This winter is the most damaged winter we've never had since we lived here. We had a huge snow storm which they called "the storm of the century". Broken branches from the trees and brushes are all over the place. We lost quiet few plants this year, including my favorite rosemary bush. Guess what, we won't have fresh rosemary bread for a while....... Oh well, that happens from time to time, I suppose. That told me that not all plants in our garden are native here. I shouldn't be surprised when this happened. I can start over again.
自從我們般來這裏,這個冬天是破壞性最大的一個冬天。“世紀風暴”把我們家的花園打得亂七八糟,斷樹枝,凍死的灌木處處可見。包括我最喜歡的 rosemary。可想而知,想吃新鮮的rosemary麵包還要等一段時間吧。好慘!不過,大自然告訴我們,我們家有些植物不是本地原始植物,失去它們,我們也不應該吃驚。沒關係,從新再來。
It is
February now and still winter here. I thought the temperature should be on the rise soon. But I heard we will have snow again tomorrow. I am glad that I have finished pruning my Rose bushes and Hydrangea last weekend. Here are some pictures from our garden. I am not expert to do this pruning business. Looks like the way I have been doing worked OK so far.
This is one of my rose bushes. The picture below is before and after. It has 6 branches now instead of 14. Looks better, don't you think?

I couldn't count how many branches it had before I pruned. All I know is that it looks a lot cleaner than before.

We have 15 rose bushes in our rose garden. Quiet few were damaged by the snow storm this year. Those removed branches filled out my wagon, 5 times....... They were a lot of branches........

Remember our Hydrangea? They had blue, big bundle of flowers in the summer.

Here are what they looked like last weekend. They were in bad shape. Oh well, the branches were touching the groud were removed totally. Plus, I gave them a good hair cut.

It took me couple hours to prune them. Those branches filled up 3 wagons.
Start vegetable seedling in door:I started seedling in door for eggplants and peppers. I bought some 3 oz plastic containers. They are less than $5. Poked 3 holes in each container. Filled them with some seedling soil. Add 2 to 4 seeds and cover them with seedling soil again per seed package. Water them, cover and keep them in warm place. And wait............. Don't forget to label them. Otherwise, you won't remember which is which. Trust me, I've done that before.
室內蔬菜育苗:上周末我開始為茄子和辣椒育苗了(早了些,也許吧)。買了一些 3oz 小塑料盒子,杯底紮3個洞,裝入種子專用土壤,放入2-4粒種子。再蓋上種子專用土壤,澆水,蓋好蓋子保濕,放到暖和的地方,1-2星期就會發芽了。不要忘記寫標簽哦,不然最後你都不知道哪個是哪個了,哈哈哈。。。。。。。
