Christmas comes around once a year. During the Christmas season, the holiday sweets are the important part of the Christmas spirit. As time goes on, a lots of families like to buy ready to make stuff instead of homemade. It might save time and fit some ones schedule. But the taste and the joy of the holiday spirit would be never the same. Not to mention the chemical and artificial ingredients in each of the box, I am sure it is not good for our health. Over the years, I have learned to make quiet few cookies, cakes, pies, etc.. I guess I am not shy to try new things. Now it is the season for baking. Here are some cookies and other deserts I made during this Christmas season.
1) Pazelle: 意大利餅幹
These are traditional Italian cookies. I have a Pazelle maker as a Christmas gift few years ago. I certainly love it. All I need to do is making the dough. The Pazelle maker will do the job for me. Won't be long, I have 60+ cookies. These buttery, thin, crispy, snowflake shape cookies gave the holiday a sweet joy. We can't celebrate the Christmas without the Pazelle in our family.
下圖是一些傳統的意大利餅幹。幾年前聖誕老人送給我一個做 Pazelle 的小電器。我好喜歡哦。我隻需要做好麵團,小電器幫你做形,很快就做60多個餅幹。吃不完,冷凍。這種傳統的意大利餅幹吃起來含有香香的奶油味,薄薄的,脆脆的,象一片片大大的雪花,很有節日的氣氛。我家的聖誕節一定要有Pazelle。

2) Ginger breadman cookies: Ginger breadman 餅幹
This is the first year I made Ginger breadman cookies. I don't know. I like ginger in Chinese cooking. Ginger in the cookies? It just never rings the bell. One time, I saw some pretty Ginger breadman cookies hanging on a Christmas tree in Downtown. I started to think that it would be a good project to decorate our Christmas tree this year. So, I tried it. Surprisingly, these Ginger breadman cookies are not just pretty for decorating trees. They are definitely delicious.
今年是我有生以來第一次做 Ginger breadman 餅幹。我喜歡做中國菜時放些薑。但是餅幹中加薑。。。不知道為什麽,以前就是沒有那個激情。直到有一天我在 Downtown 看到漂亮的 Ginger breadman 餅幹掛在漂亮的聖誕樹上,我情不自禁地想這要是掛在我們的聖誕樹上也會很漂亮。所以,我在家做了好多,真讓我驚喜,這些Ginger breadman 餅幹不僅是裝飾聖誕樹的好主意,還非常好吃。

Look, these Ginger breadmen are standing in line to say Merry Christmas to you...
看看,這些Ginger breadman 排著隊來向你祝賀聖誕節快樂。。。。。。

3) Shortbread cookies: 曲奇餅幹
These are sandwich shortbread cookies with blackberry jelly.

These are Shortbread cookies frosted with royal icing: I made royal icing by myself with powder sugar and water. No any artificial ingredients. You know what you are eating.....
下圖左麵是表麵塗了皇家 icing 的曲奇餅幹。皇家 icing 是我用糖粉和水調製成的。沒有任何食物添加劑。你知道你吃了些什麽。。。。。。

4) Russian tea cookies: 沙俄茶點餅幹
I learned how to make them this year. One day, I asked my husband that what kind of cookies he wanted for the Christmas season. He said that he hadn't had the Greek cookies for years. In his childhood, a Greek neighbor used to bring the Greek cookies during the holiday. He loved it very much. I looked thru my collection books and couldn't find the Greek cookies that he familiar with. Then he pointed out the Russian tea cookies in the book and said that they were looked like this except the shape. I made quiet few. He said they are just like the Greek cookies except shape! I told him that I would make the right shape next year!

5) Chocolate Fudge:巧克力糖果
Chocolate fudge is one of my favorate candies. These homemade chocolate fudge are made of dark chocolate and organic walnuts that my friend gave to me. They are so creamy with full body coco flavor.

1罐 condensed milk
2 杯黑巧克力豆
1杯核桃(toasted in the oven)
Cut them in small square and wrapped them with some candy wrappers. They are great as homemade gifts.

6) Divinity: 狄紋妮綈糖果
This is a one of kind holiday candies that I have heard for a long time. I have never dare to make them for some reason. First, I have never had them before (good reason that I never try it before). Second, it requires very low humidity during the process and doesn't keep well. But I tried this year. I have to say that these homemade candies are so delicious. And it is not hard to make.

They are made of sugar, walnuts, egg white, water and corn syrup. No
any artificial ingredients. You know what you are eating...

7) Panetone: 意大利甜麵包
This is Italian holiday bread. You can buy them every where in America. Since it is not hard to make at all, why not make it yourself. I make them every year during the Christmas season. This year, I made a little twist. I used a bundt cake pan and made it bundt cake shape. It is buttery and very festival look.
For sponge: 1/3 杯溫水
2 .5小勺 yeast
2.5小勺 yeast
Steps as follow: 1)Make sponge first
Dissolved yeast in warm water and add flour. Let it stand for 30 minutes until bubbled in bulk.
2)Make the dough:
a) Dissolved the yeast in warm milk
b) Use another bowl, whisk together sugar, eggs, egg yolks and vanilla.
c) Whisk milk mixture a) into egg mixture b)
d) In a standmixer, mix butter and flour together and add egg mixture slowly.
e) Add sponge mixture into d). let it rise in warm place until double the size.
3) Divided dough into few small portions if you want to make mini size. I put it into 2 bundt cake pans this year.
4) let it rise again
5) Bake them in a preheated oven 375F until golden brown.

Have a slice after dinner, it makes the meal completed. They are good as desert or have it for breakfast.

Oops, cookie plate is on the table...

Christmas dinner is about ready to serve. Please see next for Christmas dinner in our home.
Well, I always make big batch when I made them. I put some in a plastic bag and store them in the freezer. It can be stored for a long time.
Yes, you should be able to find them in Michael's. Good luck!
I bought them from craft store, like Jo Ann.
Stores sell the condensed milk by can. It is universal size 14 ounce, I believe. Yes, you need 2 cups of any kind of dark chocolate or milk chocolate. Some recipes call 3 cups. I personally think it is too sweet. 2 cups dark chocolate is enough for me. But you can put total 3 cups if you like richer flavor. No problems. Thanks for visiting!
No, the evoparated milk won't work. You need condenced milk. Try it again. You won't fail. Let me know if you have more questions.