Homemade always means delicious and healthy. Shrimp Cocktail is one of them. It is so easy to make at home.
自己家做的東西意味著美味又健康. 雞尾大蝦就是其中的一種. 做起來很簡單。

First peel the shrimp. Clean and leave the tail on. Boil water with sea salt. Add shrimp, remove shrimp as soon as they turn pick. Don't over cook. Soak them in ice water immediately and drain. Keep them in the fridge until it is ready to arrange.
26-30號的大蝦剝皮, 去內髒, 留尾巴. 水中加海鹽燒開, 放入蝦, 變色撈起, 不要煮老了. 立刻放入冰水中冷卻, 撈出, 放入冰箱保存.

Make Cocktail sauce:
All you need is catchup and wassabi. Mix both together and adjust the amount of wassabi based on your own taste.
Take a wide wine glass. Put the cocktail sauce in the glass. Arrange the shrimp around the glass and serve.
雞尾調料更簡單, 番茄醬加日本辣根兒. 按自己的口味調辣的程度. 然後擺在高腳杯裏, 看下圖.

Very simple, isn't it? Try it, you will say it is the best shrimp cocktail you have never had!