What happened in the vegetable garden? A lot!七月的菜園變成什麽樣子了呢?變化很大!
Here is the turnip. We have been eating it for quiet while.

Here is the overview of our vegetable garden 1: carrots, snow peas, sweet peas (they are done), cucumbers, egg plants, peppers, beets, and soy beans

Here is the different angle so that you can see our soy beans.換個角度看看毛豆。已經開花了。

The close look of my beets. I have pickled and canned 8 quarts so far. There are still a lot left.

Peppers are getting there.辣椒開始長大了

Here are some egg plants. They are blooming now. I don' t know when they are ready. It will be a while......

Here are the carrots. They grow pretty healthy this year. Few of them started to develop roots.

Peas: We harvested a lot this year.

Here is the vegetable garden 2: corns, pole beans, cabbage (season is over), Chinese buckchoy (they are done) Swiss chart, yellow onions and green onions along the edges.
The corn field and pole beans. The pole beans are growing taller than the corns. They are ready to harvest.

Here are the Swiss chards. I left some Chinese buck choy to go seed.

So, what is happening in the raise beds? This is Chinese Chives. They are growing so fast. Can't consume that much. let it go.......
看看我家的Raise beds 情況如何。下圖是韭菜,長得太快了,吃不完,隨它長吧。

Here are the Herloom tomatoes, about the size of jumbo egg.

They are cherry tomatoes:這是櫻桃西紅柿

What about my squash land? I planted potatoes, bush beans, zucchini, scallop squash, acorn squash (haven't seen the fruit yet), butter nut squash and hurbard squash.
Here are the zucchini.

Here are some scallop squash: 這種summer squash又嫩有甜,我家的最愛。

Here are my favorite winter squash: Hubbard squash. I can see a lots of pumpkin pies. Yummy!

Here is the butternut squash. 這種奶油南瓜做菜非常香,奶油味十足。

Here are the fruit trees in our garden. Early apples are ready.

These are Bartlett pears:

These are Comic pears. They are juicy and sweet. I like them the most.

Here it is one of our plum trees. We had late frost this year when they were blossom. Not many fruits this year.

Here is our Italian honey fig. We planted last spring. It is the youngest fruit tree in our property. It has quite few figs. Not bad for the new tree.
Here is the Kiwi. I don't see too many Kiwis this year..........But better than nothing.彌猴桃,沒結幾隻,比不結強,

Here are some peaches. The peach tree got hit by the late frost, too. I am surprised that we have quiet few peaches, though. 桃樹開花的時候,也趕上了霜凍,我以為也是顆粒無收,哪知道,還不少。

Here are our Reisling grapes

Here are our Zinfedale grapes

Here are our Concord grapes:

The grapes are far from ripe. I guess it is still summer. Fall is not far.........
下麵的幾道菜大都是菜園收獲的。 1) T-Bone steak with grilled zucchini and pasta Salad.烤牛排,烤嫩角瓜,意麵色拉。

2) Rice cake with Zucchini. 韓國辣年糕炒角瓜。
3) Pickled Zucchini(1): 韓國拌菜辣角瓜(1)
4) Pickled Zucchini(2): 韓國拌菜辣角瓜(2)做法同上。
5) Sautee pea shells: 炒豌豆皮。
6) 改良的石鍋拌飯
7) Stuffing pancake: 韭菜盒子

Take a close look:
