細雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

周末晚餐集(4)Ribeye steak 烤土豆山羊乳酪

(2008-03-18 10:21:42) 下一個
Rib Eye Steak and Gratin Potatoes with Goat Cheese 牛排烤土豆山羊乳酪
Our family love meat and potatoes. We had big potato harvest last fall. We have been enjoyed our potatoes all winter long.

Here are the potatoes from our garden last year. You can see there are different kind of potatoes: Red potatoes, Yukon potatoes, russet potatoes. I didn't use the purple one in my dish this time.

Peel the potatoes. Slice them into very thin slices.土豆去皮切片。
Arrange the potatoes in a baking pan. One layer at the time. Add salt and pepper each time one layer is completed. Add half part of whole milk and half part of cream to merge the potatoes. The original recipe called cream only. I used half part of whole milk instead of all cream. You can call it half and half. But I don't like store bought half and half. 
 Spread goat cheese on the top.
土豆片在烤盤中排好。一層一層地排。排好每一層加少許鹽和胡椒。然後加一半的全脂牛奶,一半的cream。將土豆沒過。原來的recipe叫的是全部cream。我用了一半一半。味道很接近還健康些。我最不喜歡的是超市賣的half and half。味道差還有防腐劑。最後在上麵撒上山羊乳酪

Bake it in pre heated oven 400F for 1.5 hrs. Here they are: 在加熱好的烤箱中400F烤一個半小時。

Someone in my family likes T-bone steak the most. But Ribeye is my favorite. Season the steak with salt and pepper. While baking the gratin potatoes and it is just about done, grill the steak on a grill. Mix the salad and simple Vinaigrette dressing. Dinner is ready with no time.
我家有人最喜歡T-bone牛排。不過我最喜歡Rib Eye。牛排雙麵撒上鹽和胡椒。土豆山羊乳酪快烤好時開始煎牛排。再做一個簡單的Salad和Vinaigrette dressing。晚餐很快就好了。

Here is the gratin potatoes with goat cheese: 這是我盤中的土豆山羊乳酪

This is very simple dinner. Let oven makes the trick. You will like it as much as we do.

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OregonRain 回複 悄悄話 回複水蜜的評論:
Thanks 水蜜! Thanks for visiting!
水蜜 回複 悄悄話 看著好美味,樓主好收益。
OregonRain 回複 悄悄話 回複張子一的評論:
OregonRain 回複 悄悄話 回複Sideperspective的評論:
Great, let me know how they go. thx!
OregonRain 回複 悄悄話 回複bocn80的評論:
Thanks Bocn80! I am sure you can do it, too. Trust me, I didn't know anything about cooking before I met my huby. I learned over the time. Thansk again for your nice comments.
OregonRain 回複 悄悄話 回複張子一的評論:
Sideperspective 回複 悄悄話 準備今天回家就給我們家的肉食動物們試試. 多謝.
張子一 回複 悄悄話 吃了身上會發臭!
bocn80 回複 悄悄話 你怎麽會做那麽多地道的西餐?!好羨慕啊!
OregonRain 回複 悄悄話 回複翠花姐的評論: Thx 翠花姐! you are my idle, always!
翠花姐 回複 悄悄話 好手藝,以後會常來看你~~~~:)