Liang Gao is one of my favorite dessert back home in China. Never try this at home. First trying, the skin was kind of hard. Second try was perfect for both skin texture and stuffing. I didn't know it is so easy to make. I just regret I never try this early.
Here is the recipe I have:
For skin:
150 g sweet rice flour
100 g sugar
200 ml water
1/4 cup corn starch for dusting
For the stuffing:
1/2 cup sesame seed, toasted
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp butter
pinch of salt
涼糕皮的配方糯米粉 150克
糖 100克
水 200CC
玉米芡粉 1/4 杯
核桃芝蔴餡的配方炒熟的芝蔴 1/2杯
炒熟的核桃切碎 1/2杯
奶油 2大勺
Make stuffing:
Melt butter in a microwave. Combine all stuffing ingredients together. Keep it in the fridge.
To make soft dough
Combine sweet rice flour, sugar and water together. Use a wooden spoon, mix well. Cover and put it in microwave for 2 minutes. Take it out and you will see partial has been cooked. Mix well again. Put it back in microwave for another 1.5 minutes until the dough is totally cooked, which is clear. If it is not, microwave for another 1 minute until it is cooked. Our microwave is pretty powerful. All I need was 3 minutes.
Let the dough cool and not too hot to handle. Put the corn starch in a shallow pan. Divided dough into evenly parts, 10 to 12 depended on how big you like. Put them in the corn starch pan. Make each small dough flat and fold into 1 to 2 tsp of stuffing. Close the dough. Repeat for the rest of small dough.
糯米粉,糖,水用木鏟混合好並拌勻,用保鮮紙蓋好放入微波爐中2分鍾。然後取出,這時候你可以看到部分麵團已經熟,木鏟混合好並拌勻。再放入微波爐中1。5到2分鍾直到麵團全部熟,透明為止。我家的微波爐很 powerful。我一共用了3分鍾。待麵團稍微涼些,把麵團分成10到12等份,放在裝有玉米芡粉的淺盤中。把每份小麵團用手指按扁。包上核桃芝蔴餡,封口就做好了。
This dessert is soft outside and sweet, nutty flavor inside. It makes great dessert.