Monday: 星期一:感恩節剛過,外加順路的旅行,也真的很疲勞。索性在家多休一天假。有時間自己做麵條,晚餐吃

順便做些麵片,凍起來,以後做 pasta.

今年家裏買了1隻走地羊 (grass fed lamb)。butcher 給分部位切好,包好冰凍。想吃那個部位,隨吃隨那。味道真是好得無法形容。這次我用的是帶骨頭的stew. 燉了3個小時。湯已經很濃,嘴唇已覺得粘的感覺了。


Filets mignons and shrimp 配炒豆角青菜。上班前從凍箱裏把 filets mignons 和26/30的大蝦放到冷藏冰箱裏。下班時已經解凍了。紅椒,辣椒,洋蔥,1瓣大蒜,切丁。豆角(芸豆)是來自我們的菜園。我自己做的罐頭。好儲藏。隨吃隨開。不含任合防腐劑,健康又方便。

Filets Mignons 來自我們買的半隻走地牛(grass fed beef),Butcher 切得沒有餐廳的厚,但是味道要好得多幾倍. 我用cast iron pan to sear the filets mignons. 肉好後加入大蝦,(You want to season the shrimp first before cook it, salt and pepper only)(不用洗鍋)這樣做的蝦味道很好。No need to add any additional oil, salt or pepper....
另外一隻鍋,先將所有的青菜(除芸豆外)和 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp butter 炒軟. Season with sea salt and fresh grounded pepper. 加芸豆,炒熱,加適量的鹽,調好味就好了。

Filet Mignon 又嫩又juicy.......

星期三:工作好忙,好累,不想做飯,我們在外吃的 Italian 餐

簡單早餐; 30 minutes. with coffee, homemade crabapple juice and toast.厚 bacon,自己做的 hash brown. 土豆是自己種的。

晚餐:在外吃的, Italian again.
星期天:起來太晚了,早餐 or brunch 在外吃的 (Lazy morning)
Dinner 晚餐:Fish taco:

Salme filet is from our friends Kathy and Dave. It is not farm raised. All we needed is salt and pepper with a little olive oil. 三文魚加鹽和 pepper 醃一下,煎好就好了。Simple salsa is ready. Salsa 準備好了。

Fold fish with some salsa. 卷好魚和 salsa:

Ready to eat. 開吃.......

Not too bad, right? Try it at your home. I am sure you and your families will love it. 試試看,我保證,你和你的家人都會喜歡的。
• Sorry, I double clicked by mistake. Didn't mean to. -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (18 reads) 12/5/07
• 這個強的離譜.羨慕農民JM的走地牛羊 -weston- (0 bytes) (12 reads) 12/5/07
• Thx! check your local farm. I am sure you can find -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (13 reads) 12/5/07
• 太強了,真是能幹又懂生活的主婦 -ragtimefox- ♀ (34 bytes) (18 reads) 12/5/07
• You too, little fox :-) -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/5/07
• 那個羊肉。。。簡直饞死歐了! 真是腐敗啊!一個星期! -nvnv- ♀ (0 bytes) (51 reads) 12/5/07
• grass fed meat makes huge difference, for sure. -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (9 reads) 12/5/07
• Actually, lamb are all grass feed. -uptrend- ♂ (0 bytes) (16 reads) 12/5/07
• grass fed. -uptrend- ♂ (0 bytes) (12 reads) 12/5/07
• Really? you would think so..... -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (10 reads) 12/5/07
• Not so, American lambs are corn, barley, sorghum fed, -weston- (49 bytes) (20 reads) 12/5/07
• Beef is a differnt story. Grass fed beef tastes better -uptrend- ♂ (64 bytes) (56 reads) 12/5/07
• USDA prime grade beef cattles are fed by corn, which makes -uptrend- ♂ (220 bytes) (88 reads) 12/5/07
• plus tenderized comercially, we know how that goes.... -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (17 reads) 12/5/07
• Beef aging is totally different than tenderizing. -uptrend- ♂ (69 bytes) (44 reads) 12/5/07
• Understood. I am talking about tenderizing, not aging. -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (11 reads) 12/5/07
• Grass fed beef is healthier. BTW, you cook very well -uptrend- ♂ (33 bytes) (38 reads) 12/5/07
• I really appreciated! Admire your knowledge as well. -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (12 reads) 12/5/07
• In regular stores, the best you can get is USDA Choice -uptrend- ♂ (274 bytes) (49 reads) 12/5/07
• Actually in blind tests, 80% of americans prefer corn-fed -weston- (90 bytes) (27 reads) 12/5/07
• 看得我好想吃。。。 -為愛走天涯- ♀ (0 bytes) (25 reads) 12/5/07
• I am glad you like it. Have it more...... -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 12/5/07
• 請問那個餅怎麽做啊?發麵?用油煎麽?謝謝:) -bluecoco- (0 bytes) (42 reads) 12/5/07
• 3 cup of flour with 1 cup of hot water, that's all. -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (30 reads) 12/5/07
• It is pan fried. Add just a little oil -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (11 reads) 12/5/07
• 謝謝謝謝!嚴重感謝:) -bluecoco- (0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/5/07
• 鍋裏麵不放油?餅就一層麽? -別樣明媚- ♀ (0 bytes) (11 reads) 12/5/07
• 這種 Mexican 餅隻有1層,不象春餅有2層,但做法類似 -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (14 reads) 12/5/07
• 這餅做的真好,那麽好看 -別樣明媚- ♀ (0 bytes) (17 reads) 12/5/07
• Thx Sunny! 很象春餅。非常容易 -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (17 reads) 12/5/07
• tasty, miss lambmmeat. -ligrass- ♀ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 12/5/07
• 你們家也吃得那麽FB啊~~~~~~~~~~強烈羨慕中。。。 -蔥花兒- ♀ (0 bytes) (11 reads) 12/5/07
• I learn a lot Chinese cooking from you and Thanks! -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (6 reads) 12/5/07
• 這是土豆嗎?怎麽切成那樣的? 也是烤的嗎? (圖) -皮球- ♀ (98 bytes) (91 reads) 12/5/07
• Yes,it is.土豆去皮,擦成絲,放點油,兩麵煎黃就好了。 -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (21 reads) 12/5/07
• Oh forgot, add some salt and fresh grounded pepper. -OregonRain- ♀ (0 bytes) (7 reads) 12/5/07
• 哇,實在是能幹的人啊.你家的夥食真是好吃又健康呢,讚讚讚 -hurray- ♀ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/5/07
• 你的菜菜和健康飲食方式俺都喜歡得不得了! -萬水千山也有情- ♀ (0 bytes) (11 reads) 12/5/07
• 太棒了~~~ -大媽豬- ♀ (0 bytes) (6 reads) 12/5/07
• 你勤勞,他幸福 :) -Ruby@Cuisine- ♀ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 12/5/07
• 嘩!地主階級啊~~想吃羊,就買一頭回來呀 -南木香- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/5/07
• 好能幹的妹妹。 -毛毛-媽- ♀ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/5/07
• 無語了,真是超級能幹勤勞的MM啊` -cheese_puff- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/5/07
• 家常餐一點都不湊合啊, 日子過的很好。 -胡同小四兒- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/5/07
• 嘩,利害喲! -rosejyy2000- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/6/07