My husband's favorite bread pudding with raisins and figs, 我先生最喜歡的麵包布丁,裏麵有無花果幹和葡萄幹.
Homemade oatmeal raison cookies and peanut butter kisses cookies. 自己家做的葡萄幹麥片餅幹,花生醬 kisses 餅幹
Christmas day breakfast:聖誕節早餐。
This is most exciting morning of the year. Wake up early, no need anyone wake me up. Full of joy, coffee, cookies and supprise. Then look at the messy we left, I am glad you can't see clear..........It was like war zone, oops........
While someone is cleaning up the war zone, I made simple Christmas breakfast. Homemade scones, homemade sauge patties, fried eggs, homemade crabapple juice and coffee.
Homemade scones: I learned from my mother-in-law. This recipe has been in our families for several generations. It is fry bread. The dough is sweet yeast dough. They are delicious.
自己家做的SCONES 是我從我的 mother-in-law 學來的。這個RECIPE已經在我們家傳了幾代。和炸麵包很相似。麵團是甜的發麵團。非常好吃。
Homemade sausage patties: ground pork with Italian herbs, hot pepper flakes, fennel seeds, salt and pepper.
自己家做的香腸餅,好多人都會做,不過加了 fennel seeds 味道很特別非常好
Picture of my plate.我的盤子裏的東東。。。
The biggest supprise from Santa Clouse is a new stove Cornufe from La Cornue France. Santa Claus ordered it three month ago without any trace at home. It was delivered and hidden in the garage without my knowledge until Christmas morning. What a Christmas! I love it!!!
今年聖誕節最大的驚喜是聖誕老人送給我一個全新的法國 La Cornue 爐台, Cornufe。法國 La Cornue 公司的爐台是全手工做的,聖誕老人提前三個月定購的.從定貨,送貨我全然不知。直到聖誕早上聖誕老人打開庫房。多可愛的聖誕節啊,我希望人人都和我一樣快樂!