Fall is harvest time. It is busy time of the year for me. Harvesting, canning, storing, pickling, you name it.
This the cucumbers, zuchinis, egg plants, pole beans, and peaches.

香瓜. This is the chinese melon. It is just about ready to pick.

小櫻桃西紅柿已經紅了. 茄子可以栽了.Cherry tomatoes are riping on the vine. Herloom tomatoes just start to bare fruits. Egg plants are ready to pick.

Pumpkins are getting big. 南瓜長大了。

Chinese cucumbers grow really well. 黃瓜長得很快。

前院花園. Flower garden in the front property.

Sunflowers are blooming next to the barn. 向日葵開得自由自在。

Pole beans (left below) give us big harvest this year. Front yard next to the pond (right below) full of lavendar and rosemary.

We have three type of grapes in the property. I have made jam, jelly, juice and raisens over the years. I made red wine this year. Now, red wine is in the process of the fermentation. Should be ready in couple month.

Look at the beets. I have never seen this big in my life.
一生中第一次種土豆. Wow, 土豆大豐收. 我一生中還沒有吃過這麽好吃的土豆。
This is the first year we plant the pototoes. We had big harvest. We can't believe how delicious they are.

Comic pear and barlet. I canned 26 quarts of pear this year. Still have lot on the trees.

Sunflowers for the birds. Hope they have plenty food over the winter.

甜玉米真的好甜. Sweet corns just like their name, really sweet.

Weather is getting cold. Have to pick the most I can.

胡蘿卜大豐收。冷凍了好多。當然少不了胡蘿卜蛋糕。Another great harvest for carrots. I froze a lot. Of course made couple of carrots cakes.

A lots of tomatoes are not riped yet. Have to let them ripe inside the house.

Two weeks later. They are riped.

Let's can them. 又做了10罐西紅柿罐頭。今年總共做了27罐 quart size.
Good harvest year as usual. Storage is full of homemade can goods. I need more storage space........ I heard the voice: 'will see if Santa Clouse will bring you some in Christmas". I can't wait!

Thanksgiving is a celebration of the harvest traditionally. We have a lot thankful when a year goes by again. New year will start soon. Will be better every year.
Sounds like you had fun. I can image your little beautiful garden. Midwest is nice place for garden. Wish you have a good harvest in your new home.
Thanks H&C Mom for your kindness notes! I have learned over the years from reading books, experimenting. Trust me, I had bad year, too. Give it patient and love, it will grow whereever you want. :-)