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中醫認為藕性寒、味甘,是一款冬令進補的保健食品,既可食用,又可藥用。 生食能涼血散淤,熟食能補心益腎,可以補五髒之虛,強壯筋骨,滋陰養血。同時還能利尿通便,幫助排泄體內的廢物和毒素。對於肝病、便秘、糖尿病等一切有虛弱之症的人十分有益,對於淤血、吐血、衄血、尿血、便血的人以及產婦極為適合。不過因為藕性偏涼,故產婦不宜過早食用,一般產後1-2周後再吃藕為好。
Lotus Root and Peanut Soup is a very common soup enjoyed by many back home. Lotus root combined with peanuts is believed to be very nutritious and have all kinds of health benefits especially in winter season.
500 克 的 蓮藕
150克 花生 (泡水10分鍾)
450 克 排骨/湯骨
1 小塊的 魷魚幹 或 一把的旺菜
適量 食鹽
500 g of Lotus Roots
150 g Raw peanuts (Soak in water for 10 minutes)
450 g of Pork Ribs/ Soup bones
1 small piece of dried cuttlefish (Clean and cut into 2 inch in length) or a handful of dried mussels
Salt to taste
1. 把蓮藕削皮洗淨後且滾刀塊。花生洗淨泡個十分鍾。把魷魚幹和旺菜洗淨備用。
2. 把湯骨/排骨洗淨後煮滾半鍋水,把排骨入鍋汆燙後取出洗淨。
3. 把所有的材料和1.5升的水放到一口鍋裏,大夥煮滾後轉中小火煮1.5-2個小時。加鹽調味即可。
1. Clean and peel the lotus root/s and cut into big chunks. Clean and soak peanuts. Cut and clean cuttlefish/dried mussels.
2. Wash and blanched the ribs or soup bones, run the bones under cold water until the water runs clear.
3. Place all the ingredients in a pot with 1.5 litres of water and bring to boil, turn to medium low and continue cooking for 1.5-2 hours. Season with salt and serve warm.