
盈_盈 (熱門博主)
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來點年味--臘味煲仔飯 Claypot Waxed Meat Rice

(2017-01-17 16:19:09) 下一個


冬至前後是製作臘味的好時節。“秋風起,臘味香” 是廣粵那裏耳熟能詳的口頭禪,過去很多家庭都會趁著秋風起,空氣冷冽幹燥的時候醃製臘味。





It is a tradition that sometimes before Chinese new year that the Chinese will prepare Wax meat or waxed meat (Lap Mei) to preserve meat for the use in Winter. The cold and low humidity condition during the season is perfect to dry the meat and preserved it for many many months to come.


This year I was lucky to have some free times around winter solstice, I made some Lap Cheong or Chinese Waxed Sausage, Waxed duck Hakka Waxed Meat and Cantonese Waxed Meat



1 杯 泰國香米

2 根 廣式臘腸 

1/4 條 客家臘肉

1 tsp 食油

4-5 根青江菜 



2 大勺 水

2-3 小勺 醬油/生抽 (根據家裏的醬油鹹淡決定)

1/2 小勺 蠔油

1/2 小勺 甜醬油/黑醬油/珍珠油   Optional

一撮 胡椒粉  Optional





1 Cup of Jasmine Rice

1/4 piece of Hakka Wax Meat

1 tsp Cooking oil

4-5 Bok Choy



2 tbsp Water

2-3 tsp light Soy Sauce

1/2 tsp Oyster Sauce

1/2 tsp Dark Soy Sauce   Optional

a pinch of pepper powder  Optional

Few drops of sesame oil






1. 把臘味都洗幹淨,煮滾小半鍋水,把臘味放入燙幾分鍾去除怪味。


2. 砂鍋/瓦煲抹上1 勺子的食油。白米洗淨,加入1 1/2 杯的水,大火先煮滾,轉中火煮至水份減少開始看見很多洞洞的時候(大約8分鍾),把臘味放入米飯裏,轉小火繼續燜15-20分鍾,間中不要開蓋子。


3. 用個小碗把調味料全混合,同時燙上幾根青江菜。


4. 取出臘味,把臘味切片擺到米飯上,淋上醬汁加蓋煮5分鍾,加上青菜吃。


1. Wash and clean the sausages and wax meat, blanch them all in a small pot of boiling water for about 2-3 minutes.


2. Spread 1 tsp of oil over bottom of a Claypot. Wash and drain the rice, place the rice in the Claypot with 1 1/2 cups of water, bring to boil and turn to medium heat to cook for 8-10 minutes until you sees little holes forming on top of rice, turn to low, add sausages and wax meat on top of rice. Cover with lid and continue cooking for 15-20 minutes, do not open the lid in between.


3. Mix all seasoning in a small bowl, blanch/cook a few pok choy at the same time.

4. After 20 minutes, take out sausages and wax meat, slice thinly, use a fork to loosen the rice, place the sliced sausages and meat back to pot, add the seasoning and Bok Choy, cook for 5 minutes at low heat, serve hot with Bok Choy!






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