
盈_盈 (熱門博主)
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白吉饃和肉夾饃 Chinese Stewed Pork Burger

(2017-01-14 18:59:54) 下一個





Roujiamo (肉夾饃) is considered the Chinese equivalent to the Western hamburger and meat sandwiches, it is a street food originating from Shaanxi Province in China. It is also made famous by Xi'an Famous in New York City a couple of years back.

The flatbread used for this sandwich is called "Bai Ji Mo” (白吉饃), which is made from wheat flour first toasted on flat pan and then baked in a clay or mud oven. A good Bai Ji Mo is said to be crusty on the outside and soft in the inside. The stewed meat is most commonly pork, stewed for hours in Master Stock, it is later chopped and stuffed into the flatbread, served with a little gravy from the stew (臘汁), thus this Chinese Stewed Pork Burger is also called “臘汁肉夾饃” which means Chinese Stewed Pork Burger with gravy.



3杯/360 克 中筋麵粉

2-3 tbsp/25-30克 中筋麵粉 (戧麵用)

1 杯/ 225 克 水 (室溫)

1 小勺/3 克 快速酵母


Ingredients for Baijimo (Flat bread):

3 cups/360 g All purpose flour

2-3 tbsp/25-30g of all purpose flour (to be added later)

1 cup/ 225 g Water (Room Temperature)

1 tsp/3 g of Active dried yeast


For Master Stock Starter:
1 tsp Chinese Five spice
1 Black Cardamom
About 20 of Sichuan Pepper (花椒)
1 stick of Cinnamom Stick
2 bay leaves
1 tsp Fennel
3-5 cloves
1 star anise
1 tbsp of Hoisin Sauce
1/4 cups of fish sauce/ soy sauce
1 tsp Salt
3-4 small pieces of rock sugar

2.5-3 lbs Pig's Trotter

1 tsp 五香粉 
1 隻 草果 
大約20隻 花椒 
1 tsp 小茴香(Fennel)
3-5顆 丁香 
兩顆 八角(大料)
1 tbsp 海鮮醬
1/4杯 魚露或醬油 
1 tsp 鹽
冰糖 幾塊

2.5-3 磅 元蹄


1. 把3杯麵粉,酵母和水揉成一個偏硬的麵團,加蓋放到溫暖處發酵15分鍾。發到麵團半發酵即可,用手指壓壓麵團,感覺比較鬆弛就可以了。

2. 15分鍾後取出麵團,在案板上撒上大約2-3大勺的麵粉,麵粉要分2-3次加入,慢慢地把麵團揉到緊致光潔為止,餳麵5分鍾。

3. 把麵團分成8個等份,搓成梭子形(兩頭尖),用擀麵杖擀成牛舌狀後卷起豎立成柱子狀。把麵團依次處理好後用手掌壓平成麵坯,蓋上幹淨的布,再次餳麵5分鍾。

4. 陝西有一種魚肚型的擀麵杖,專門拿來擀饃,用那種擀麵杖擀麵的話麵坯就會自然地形成碗裝。我家沒有這款擀麵杖,就用普通的擀麵杖擀平後用手捏成小碗狀。

5. 烤箱預熱至400 F (200 C)。 熱上一口鑄鐵/平底鍋,把擀好的麵坯碗口朝上放到平底鍋上中火烙2分鍾定型,翻麵壓平繼續烙2-3分鍾就會形成漂亮的“銅圈虎背菊花心”烙印。

6. 把饃都烙好後,全擺到一個烤盤裏入烤箱烤8-10分鍾至饃膨脹表麵變酥脆。

1. Place 3 cups of all purpose flour, yeast and water in a large mixing bowl, mix and knead together to form a stiff dough. Cover the dough and let it rest for 15 minutes. When the dough raises about 30% larger in size and the dough is softer to touch, it is time to start working on the dough.

2. Sprinkle about some all purpose flour on working surface, take the dough out and slowly knead the flour in, adding 2-3 tbsp of flour slowly to knead the dough until it form a stiff and smooth dough again, let the dough rest for 5 minutes.

3. Divide the dough to 8 equal portions, take one portion  and shape it into a long log. Apply gentle pressure to taper the dough on the outer edges, by doing this, your log should end up slightly thicker in the middle and thinner on the ends. 

4. Use a rolling pin to roll the log into an oblong shape, roll it up from the bottom to form a small cylinder, turn over and flattened the dough to form a 1 cm thick flat dough, repeat the steps for the remaining dough.

5. Shape the flat doughs into bowl shape, preheat oven to 400 F(200 C), heat up a cooking pan, preferably cast iron pan. Place the bowl shape dough facing up, cook at medium heat for 2 minutes, turn the bowls and flatten the dough using a spatula or your palm if you can bear the heat. Continue cooking for 2-3 minutes, your bread should now have beautiful circular grill marks on it.

6. Transfer the bread to a baking sheet, bake them in the oven for 8-10 minutes until slightly puffed and crusty on the surface.

7. 把鹵水裏列出的所有材料放到瓦煲裏文火煮滾後加入家裏的老鹵(我是冷凍室裏凍著的)大火煮滾後鹵汁成。

8. 把元蹄清理幹淨,汆燙洗淨後加到老鹵裏煮滾後轉小火燉2-3個小時至酥爛為止。這個時候可以把鹵水過濾一大罐凍起來收藏,下次再加到新的鹵水裏一起鹵。

9. 饃稍微放涼後從中間橫切開,別切斷,填入剁碎的臘汁肉即可。

7. To make master stock, place all ingredients listed under master stock in a deep pot/stock pot with 8 cups of water and the old stock that stored in freezer (If you have) bring it to boil, then turn it to medium heat and keep simmering for another 30-40 minutes, take out all spices. The stock is ready.

8. Clean and blanch trotter in boiling water briefly, drain, wash and set aside. Place the trotter into the master stock, bring to boil and turn the heat to medium low and cook for 2-3 hours until tender. Sieve and pour about 4 cups of the stock into a container and freeze it up to be use as old stock later.

9. Once the bread is cooled enough to work on, slit the bread from the middle but do not completely cut it through, stuff the bread with minced stewed pork and serve warm.



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