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“薄荷辛涼性發汗解熱藥,治流行性感冒、頭疼、目赤、身熱、咽喉、牙床腫痛等症。處用可治神經痛、皮膚瘙癢、皮疹和濕疹等。平常以薄荷代茶,清心明目。其葉長於發汗,梗偏於理氣。 ”
This was made during the peak of summer. It was more than 90F today and I had absolutely no appetite for anything. I walked out to my garden during hot afternoon. Clipped a few stems of sweet peppermint to make this mint tea, and sweetened with honey.
With a good book at hand... my afternoon is just perfect !
1 杯 新鮮的薄荷葉
2 杯 水
1 cup of fresh mint leaves
2 cups of water
Rock sugar/Brown sugar/Honey to taste
1. 院裏采收來的一盆薄荷。洗淨後摘下大約一杯的薄荷葉,我會稍微用手抓抓。
2. 小鍋裏倒入兩杯水煮滾後加入薄荷葉,加蓋煮幾分鍾分鍾,不要太久了。
3. 熄火趁熱加入一個紅茶包,加蓋泡大約兩分鍾。如果用冰糖和紅糖這個時候可以加入。如果用蜂蜜,可以等過濾倒入杯子,稍微降溫了才加入。
1. Harvest some mint leaves from my garden. Clean and pick the leaves, crush the leaves a little with hand.
2. In a small pot, bring 2 cups of water to boil with mint leaves in it, cover and cook for a few minutes.
3. Turn off the stove and add 1 red tea bag into the pot. Cover with lid and wait for 2 minutes before adding sugar, if honey is used, add only before serving.
4. Pour the tea into a cup, it could be serve hot too.