
盈_盈 (熱門博主)
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香蕉巧克力蛋糕 Banana Chocolate Chips Cake

(2016-07-16 20:17:38) 下一個


My husband have this obsession of bananas that it's almost become absurd, he has to bring a bunch of banana back whenever he goes to the grocery store. Needless to say, he goes to the store a little too many times this month, and I was left with a bunch of overripe bananas again.

So I made this cake with the help of my son A yesterday night and had it for breakfast today, the chocolate chips really kick the taste up a notch!

4 根 熟透的香蕉  或 1 1/2 杯 香蕉糊
1 杯 中筋麵粉
1 杯 雜糧粉
1/4 杯 燕麥麩
1 杯 紅糖/白糖
3 隻雞蛋 (室溫)
1 杯  黑巧克力豆
1/4 杯 全脂牛奶
1/2 杯  或 115 克 黃油
1 小勺 香草精
2 小勺 泡打粉
1 小勺 小蘇打
1/2 小勺 食鹽 (如果用的黃油是帶鹽黃油的話,就免去食鹽

4 ripe large banana  or  1 1/2 cups of mashed banana
1 cup of All-purpose flour
1 cup of Multigrain Atta
1/4 cup of Oat bran
1 cup of Brown sugar
3 eggs (Room temperature)
1 cup of dark chocolate chips
1/4 cup organic whole milk
1/2 cup  or 1 stick of Butter
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
2 tsp Baking powder
1 tsp Baking soda
1/2 tsp salt (if using salted butter, omit this or reduced to half)


1. 把香蕉去皮壓成泥後加入香草精備用。把麵粉,雜糧粉和燕麥麩混合後加入食鹽,小蘇打和泡打粉混合勻。

2. 把黃油和糖用廚師機或手動攪拌機打至順滑,有點像冰激淩的質感。

3. 加入一隻雞蛋,繼續中速打直蓬發,重複地把三隻雞蛋全加完為止。雞蛋記得要一隻隻地分開加入哦!

4. 把粉類分成三次和香蕉糊交替加入拌勻,間中把牛奶也加入。加入3/4杯的巧克力豆,混合。

5. 烤箱預熱至360F (180C).

6. 在一個八寸的烤盤裏鋪上烘焙紙,倒入麵糊後輕輕在案頭敲敲讓麵糊攤平。用剩下的巧克力豆和香蕉片點綴。

7. 入烤箱烤製45-50分鍾,冷卻後切塊食用。

1. Mashed banana and mix with vanilla essence. Sift flour and blend well with salt, baking soda and baking powder.

2. Use a stand mixer/hand mixer to beat butter and sugar until smooth, the texture should look like ice cream.

3. Add one egg at a time, continue beating until fluffy, repeat for all 3 eggs.

4. Fold 1/3 of the flour mix in, add milk and 1/3 of the mashed banana, alternate flour mix and milk until all ingredients are used.

5. Add 3/4 cup of chocolate chips into batter.

6. Preheat oven to 360F (180C).

7. Line an 8 inches baking pan with parchment paper. Transfer batter into the pan, give it a shake to even the surface of the batter. Decorate it with sliced banana and remaining 1/4 cup of chocolate chips.

8. Bake cake for 45-50 minutes, test with a bamboo stick, if the stick come out clean, it is done. Cool completely before serving.

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