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我第一次吃這款番茄沙司意大利麵是中學時到日本做交換生的時候,當時一直覺得自己吃的就是正宗的意大利麵。很多年以後才發現這其實是日式意大利麵的做法。這款意大利麵是用番茄沙司/ketchup 調味而不是傳統的番茄肉醬。配料一般加的是切片的香腸,洋蔥,青椒絲等等。
我上周末在costco買了Teton Waters Ranch的Cooked uncured beef polish sausage,它是草飼牛肉做的,不含有荷爾蒙,抗生素,硝酸鹽等等的添加劑。味道口感很好,比一般的香腸低鹽。我給拿來做了番茄沙司意大利麵,俊寶很愛吃,連吃兩個晚上都沒意見哦!
I had Spaghetti Naporitan the first time as an exchange student in Japan 20 years ago. I thought what I had was Italian food for the longest time, not until I went to Europe that I realized that it was actually a Japanese food in disguise!
Spaghetti Naporitan is pan-fried spaghetti seasoned with ketchup, which makes it a very easy and quick dish to make since there is no preparation of meat sauce needed.
My son A is a big fan of ketchup and often asked for fries/nuggets for dinner so that he could have them with ketchup.
I made this spaghetti for him one day with the Teton Waters Ranch cooked uncured beef polish sausage that I bought from costco. (It’s made with 100% grass-fed beef (no hormones, no antibiotics, no feedlot) , there’s NO added nitrates and is less saltier than other sausages in the market.)
It was an instant hit, A had it two nights in a roll and was loving it!
100 克 有機意大利麵
1/2 條的 Teton Waters Ranch cooked uncured beef polish sausage (香腸)
1/4 隻 洋蔥 切絲
1/4 隻 胡蘿卜 切絲
1/4 隻 西葫蘆
1 大勺 有機 黃油 Organic butter
2-2.5 大勺的 有機 沙司醬 Organic ketchup
一些磨碎的 帕爾瑪奶酪
100 gm organic spaghetti
1/2 link of Teton Waters Ranch cooked uncured beef polish sausage
1/4 small onion
1/4 Carrot shredded
1/4 Zucchini
1 Tbsp Organic butter
2-2.5 Tbsp Organic ketchup
Some Parmesan cheese, grated
1. 把意大利麵根據包裝指示煮軟瀝幹備用。
2. 把香腸和西葫蘆切片,洋蔥和胡蘿卜切絲。
3. 把黃油在一口鍋裏加熱之後加入香腸片,洋蔥和胡蘿卜絲加入煸炒兩分鍾。
4. 加入煮好的意大利麵和西葫蘆,繼續煸炒一分鍾後加入沙司醬調味。吃的時候撒上帕爾瑪奶酪即可。
1. Cook spaghetti in boiling water with salt according to the package instruction.
2. Cut sausage and zucchini into pieces, slice onion thinly and shred carrot accordingly.
3. Heat butter in a pan at medium high heat. Add sausage pieces, onion and carrot, cook for a minute or two.
4. Add cooked spaghetti and zucchini, stir-fry for a minute, season with ketchup.
top with parmesan cheese before serving.
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