
盈_盈 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

南洋風味 -- 豆油肉 (Tau Yu Bak)

(2016-04-12 10:28:47) 下一個


這款燉肉要用閩南語來說,醬油閩南語裏叫“豆油”,Tau Yu Bak (豆油肉)就是醬油肉的意思。有點類似鹵肉,但沒有鹵肉那麽濃鬱,湯汁也更稀一些。我爸很喜歡用豆油肉的湯汁拌飯吃,前兩天我也這麽拌了給俊寶吃,他很喜歡哦!

I gotta insist that one pronounce the name of this dish in Hokkian (Minnan), light soy sauce is called "Tau Yu" and meat in Hokkian is called "Bak" thus the name of this dish, Tau Yu bak means meat braised in light soy sauce! It is a very typical Hokkian/Minnan dish and the recipe is often heritage and passed down from mother to daughter, so you can now guess where I got mine from!

The preparation is a little similar to its close cousin  "Hong Shao Rou/紅燒肉", but Tau Yu Bak has thinner gravy and is almost always prepared with fried tofu cutlets and hard boiled eggs. 

My dad's favourite way to enjoy this dish is to drizzle the gravy over steamed rice and mixed before digging in. I did the same for my son A and he had a big bowl of it!



400 克 五花肉  (洗淨切塊)

3 塊 炸豆腐幹

5-6 隻 白水煮蛋 

1 整 顆蒜頭 (去薄膜洗淨備用)

2 隻 八角/大料

1 段 桂皮  或 2 片桂葉



3 tbsp 生抽/醬油

1 tbsp 曬油/黑醬油/Dark Caremalized Soy Sauce

5-6 顆 冰糖

一撮 白胡椒粉

鹽  Optional (我沒用)



400 gm of pork belly (Clean and cut into bite size)

3 pieces of Fried tofu Cutlets

5-6 hard boiled eggs

1 whole head of garlic (remove the thin film on the outer part, cleaned)

2 star anise

2 inches of cinnamon  OR 2 slices of bay leaves



3 tbsp Light Soy Sauce

1 tbsp Dark Caremalized Soy Sauce

5-6 or 1 tbsp of rock sugar

A pinch of white pepper powder

Salt to taste  Optional 



1. 鍋內熱上 1-2 大勺油,加入冰糖炒糖色,加入切塊的五花肉翻炒一分鍾,加入蒜,桂皮/桂葉和八角。把雞蛋煮好剝殼備用。

2. 炸豆腐切三角型,加入一起翻炒。把所有材料倒入一口深鍋裏,加水沒過材料之後加入醬油,黑醬油後大火煮滾轉中小火燉20分鍾。

3. 20分鍾後加入白水蛋翻勻一起再燉20-30分鍾至五花肉變軟為止。加點胡椒粉增香後試試味道,不夠鹹可以加點鹽調味。熄火後再虛燜半個小時再吃味道更好。

1. Heat 1-2 tbsp of oil in a cooking wok, add rock sugar and stir until dissolved and caramelized. Add pork belly and stir until it changes color, add whole garlic, cinnamon/bay leaves and star anise. Meanwhile, boil the eggs and remove shell.

2. Cut the tofu cutlets into triangular in shapes, add the tofu into wok and stir cook together with the rest of ingredients. Transfer the content in the wok to a cooking pot, add enough water to submerge all ingredients, season with light soy sauce, caramelized soy sauce, bring to boil and turn to medium low, cover with lid and cook for 20 minutes.

3. Add hard boiled eggs and cook for another 20-30 minutes until the pork belly become tender. Add a little white pepper powder, adjust taste with salt if you needed. Switch off the stove and let the braised pork steep for another half hour before serving.


歡迎到我英文博客玩 -- http://www.echoskitchen.com/2016/04/tau-yu-bak.html

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