
盈_盈 (熱門博主)
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南洋風味 -- 越式香茅雞

(2016-03-28 07:54:32) 下一個
注:原食譜創作於 2011年2月15日,受到許多網友的喜愛,非常謝謝大家的支持哦!
This Vietnamese Lemongrass is a mandatory order whenever we visit our favorite Vietnamese Restaurant here in NJ. We loved it so much that I decided to recreate the sauce at home. It turned out so good and it was a instant hit at home !
Note: The original recipe was created on 2/15/2011 and was liked and followed by many bloggers.
1 tsp 咖喱粉
1/2 隻洋蔥,切碎
2 tsp 醬油/魚露
1/2 tsp 鹽
1/2 tsp 糖

Ingredients for Spicy Lemongrass Chicken:
2 tbsp Spicy Lemongrass Paste
1-1.5 lb chicken pieces/chicken breast pieces(marinate with a pinch of black pepper powder and some salt)
1 tsp Meat Curry powder
1/2 onion, chopped
2 tsp Soy sauce/Fish Sauce
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Sugar/Palm Sugar
1. 把雞肉切塊加入胡椒粉和鹽醃十分鍾備用。
2. 加熱一口鍋,等鍋子夠熱了,下一點點油,把雞肉倒入,翻勻。如果家裏有香茅也可以拍兩段一起炒。
3. 雞肉變色之後加入切碎/絲的洋蔥,翻炒至洋蔥變軟後加入1 tsp的咖喱粉翻勻,加入2大匙的香茅醬,翻炒均勻後,加入小半杯水,鹽,醬油/魚露,糖調味。再煮煮收汁,就好了。

1. Heat up a cooking pan and cook the chicken pieces with a little oil, cover with lid if needed, until fat starts showing. 

2. When the fat released is visible, stir in the chopped/sliced onion and cook for another minute.

3. Add 1 tsp of Curry powder stir well, and add 2 tbsp of Spicy Lemongrass Paste, stir for another minute, add about 1/2 a cup of water, season with salt, soy sauce/fish sauce and sugar.

4. Bring it to boil turn to medium, when the liquid reduced to the thickness of your liking, its done!
Serve this delicious dish with some steamed Jasmine rice!
歡迎到我的博客玩 -- http://blog.sina.com.cn/spicehunt

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盈_盈 回複 悄悄話 回複 '北妹投資' 的評論 : 是啊。。。舊照片太嚇人,重新拍一下。。。希望你喜歡呢!
北妹投資 回複 悄悄話 謝謝!我專門來你網站找這個雞的做法,還擔心找不到了,因為太久遠。沒想到被你翻出來重新貼了。