
盈_盈 (熱門博主)
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南洋風味 -- 糯米雞

(2016-03-24 16:18:24) 下一個
This steamed sticky rice is my absolute favourite in Dim Sum place back in Malaysia. It is also a family favorite with mom making it very often at home. 
Since I can't be possibly finding the same dish at the Dim Sum place in the USA, I have to get the recipe from mom and make it at home!

Ingredients : 
2 cups/400 gm glutinous rice (Soaked for 3 hours)
300 gm chicken thigh
12 small/6 large dried mushrooms  (Soaked)
1 link of Chinese/Cantonese sausage (Remove casing and sliced)
For chicken : 
2.5 tbsp Light soy sauce
2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine/shaoxing wine
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp ginger juice
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp white pepper powder
1 tbsp sesame oil

For glutinous rice : 
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tsp dark soy sauce
2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp white pepper powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp Chinese five spice
3 tbsp fried shallot  or 4-5 shallot, peel and sliced
2 tsp sesame oil
1 cup water

材料 : 
2 杯/400 克 長糯米 (洗淨泡水3個小時)300 克 雞腿肉 (切塊)
12 隻金錢菇 或 6 隻香菇 (泡發)
1 根 廣式臘腸 (去腸衣,切片)

雞肉醃料 : 
2.5 tbsp 醬油/生抽
2 tbsp 料酒/紹興酒
2 tbsp 蠔油
2 tsp 黑醬油/曬油
1 tbsp 薑汁
1 tsp 糖
1/2 tsp 白胡椒粉
1 tbsp 麻油/香油

糯米飯調味 : 
2 tbsp 蠔油
2 tbsp 醬油/生抽
2 tsp 老抽/曬油
2 tsp 糖
1/2 tsp 白胡椒粉
1/2 tsp 食鹽
1/4 tsp 五香粉
3 tbsp 紅蔥酥 或 4-5 隻 紅蔥切片
2 tsp 麻油
1 cup 水

1. Soaked glutinous rice for at least 3 hours. Also soak mushrooms and Chinese sausage for around 10 minutes, remove casing  and sliced the sausage.

2. Chop chicken into 1.5 inches pieces. Marinate the chicken, mushrooms and sliced sausage with all ingredients listed under "For Chicken" for at least 1 hour.

3. Heat up 2 tbsp of oil in a cooking wok, stir in sliced shallot and fry until fragrant, or you can use ready made fried shallot. Drained glutinous rice and add it into the wok, stir fry with all seasoning listed under glutinous rice until the rice is a little crispy.

5. Pour in a cup of water and continue cooking until the rice slightly softened. Let cool.

6. Place 2 pieces of chicken, 2 mushrooms and 2 slices of sausage in the bottom of 6 rice bowls, add a tsp of the marination sauce in it. Scoop out the half-cooked rice and divide into 6 equal parts, covering the chicken pieces, press the rice down using the back of a spoon. Add 2-3 tbsp of water over the rice.

7. Steam rice for 35 minutes, serve hot with some chili sauce.

1. 把香菇泡發,糯米浸泡好,臘腸去腸衣切片備用。

2. 雞肉切塊,加入香菇,臘腸片和所有醃料一起醃製至少一個小時。

3. 鍋裏熱上2 大勺油,把紅蔥片下鍋炒酥後加入糯米一起炒,如果用的是蔥酥就熱油後把蔥酥加入後就快速加入糯米一起翻炒。加入所有糯米飯裏列出的調味料,翻炒至糯米有點透明。

5. 倒入一杯水,繼續翻炒至糯米呈半透明狀。冷卻至不燙手。

6. 在六隻飯碗裏分別擺入兩塊雞肉,兩片臘腸和香菇,淋上1小勺的醃肉醬汁。把炒好的米飯分成六份鋪到雞肉上。用個勺子把米飯壓實,再在米飯上灑上 2-3大勺的水。

7. 把糯米雞放到蒸籠裏大火上汽之後蒸35分鍾。
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