
盈_盈 (熱門博主)
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寶寶美食 -- 香蕉鬆餅 (字母鬆餅)

(2016-03-01 18:18:15) 下一個






One of the "advantages" of sending daddy and son for grocery shopping is that you ended up with too many of something and too little of others. It is quite clear that both father and son have the wrong notion of the amount of bananas we can eat in a week, they brought two bunches of bananas back and without fail are all ripen in less than a week, leaving me with tens of overripe bananas to work on!


My son A has been tirelessly playing with alphabets lately, he spent most of his time spelling and learning spelling of words. So I made this alphabets banana pancakes over the weekend to encourage A to eat more and to upkeep his learning spirit. He was thrilled and was eagerly waiting for the next alphabet even before it is done cooking!



1/4 杯 燕麥

1/4 杯 雜糧粉/Multigrain Atta 

1/4 杯 中筋麵粉/All Purpose Flour

1 隻 (L)雞蛋

1 根 香蕉

1/2 杯 (+- 1 tbsp) 牛奶

2 tbsp 黃油 (融化)

2 tsp 食用醋

1 tsp 泡打粉

1/2 tsp 小蘇打

1/8 tsp 食鹽


Ingredients:(to make 26 alphabets and 8 mini pancakes)

1/4 cup of Steel cut oats

1/4 cup of Multigrain Atta 

1/4 cup o All Purpose Flour

1 (L)egg

1 ripe banana

1/2 cup (+- 1 tbsp) organic whole milk

2 tbsp Butter(melted)

2 tsp White Vinegar/Apple cider vinegar

1 tsp Baking Powder

1/2 tsp Baking Soda

1/8 tsp Salt



1. 把香蕉,牛奶,雞蛋,醋和黃油先攪拌成糊狀。

2. 把燕麥,雜糧粉和麵粉加入攪拌成糊後再加入泡打粉和小蘇打拌勻。

3. 如果做一般圓形的鬆餅,即可熱上一口平底鍋,用一點點的黃油抹在平底鍋上,中低溫煎餅,當麵糊開始出現泡泡的時候,翻麵再煎45秒熟了即可。

1. Blend together banana, milk, egg, vinegar and butter into a smooth batter.

2. Add steel cut oats, multigrain Atta and all purpose flour into the blender and continue to blend to form a smooth batter, add baking powder and baking soda and blend until smooth again.

3. Heat up a griddle/skillet, spread a thin layer of butter, turn the heat to medium low. Scoop out 1/4 cup of batter and spread on the pan, cooks until surface of pancake have bubbles and few have burst, flipped and continue cooking for around 45 seconds or until underside are browned.


4. 把麵糊倒入一個可擠壓的瓶子裏,平底鍋抹上一點點黃油,轉中小火。

5. 在平底鍋上用擠壓瓶子的方式寫出字母,當麵糊開始出現泡泡的時候,翻麵再煎45秒熟了即可。

4. To make the alphabet pancakes, pour the pancake batter into a squeezable bottle,  spread a thin layer of butter, turn the heat to medium low. 

5. "Write" letters/alphabets by squeezing batter onto griddle/skillet. Cook as you would with normal pancake.


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