
盈_盈 (熱門博主)
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(2016-02-23 22:08:37) 下一個


上個周末本來約了朋友們在紐約聚餐慶祝春節,我就做了幾罐的焦糖咖椰 打算帶給朋友們. 怎知聚餐前一晚俊爹突然頭疼得厲害,第二天一早去了急診室,所以聚餐就沒去成。冰箱裏倒是因此多了好幾罐的咖椰,家裏還有一盒俊爹給我買的有機綠茶粉,因為帶糖,我喝了一次就擱在那裏了。一直想著什麽時候拿來做個綠茶口味的甜點。


I made a big pot of Caramel Kaya last weekend to bring to our Chinese new year gathering in New York. My husband N started having severe headache few hours before we head out, we had to cancelled the plan and rush to the doctor, we later learnt that he was hit by sever sinus and had to take a course of antibiotic.

So that is the prelude to the many bottles of Kaya sitting in my fridge, I did though send out a few to some friends who live nearby. 

Since I also have a box of sweetened (Yucky!) organic greentea powder sitting in my pantry for a long time, I decided to make this Greentea Kaya Swissroll, it turned out really nice and my son A loves it!



4 隻雞蛋 (L)  

60 克 低筋麵粉 

5 克 綠茶粉

2 tbsp/30 克 糖 

1/4 tsp/2 克 鹽 

2.5 tbsp/ 35 ml 食用油 (我用了牛油果油)

2.5 tbsp/35ml 水/牛奶 



1/3 杯 焦糖咖椰



4 (L) size Eggs  

60 gm of low protein/cake flour

5 gm of green tea powder

2 tbsp/30 gm of sugar

1/4 tsp/2 gm of salt

2.5 tbsp/ 35 ml Cooking oil (I used Avocado oil)

2.5 tbsp/35ml water/milk



1/3 cup of Caramel Kaya 


1. 把材料都稱量好,蛋白和蛋黃分開,記得蛋白不要沾上水,油和蛋黃。

2. 把低筋麵粉和綠茶粉混合,過篩備用。

3. 把一半/1 tbsp/15克的糖和蛋黃拌勻,用打蛋器攪拌至有點泛白,加入食油攪拌勻後加入牛奶/水,加入綠茶和低筋麵粉攪拌成糊狀。備用。

4. 蛋白加入另一半/1 tbsp/15克糖,兩滴醋(可無),用廚師機低速攪拌至泡泡出現,大約1分鍾,然後轉高速(十檔)打2分鍾,轉八檔攪拌兩分鍾至中性發泡(如果喜歡比較軟綿的口感,就打至濕性發泡即可,我這次稍微打得有點過硬了,下次再做可能就在濕性發泡轉中性前就停機)。

5. 取一半的蛋白霜加入到剛剛的麵糊裏,用類似炒菜由底部往上翻的方式拌勻。

1. Measure all the ingredients out accordingly, separate the egg whites and egg yolks, make sure your container for egg whites are sanitized, dry and clean.

2. Mix the cake flour and green tea powder, sieved.

3. Place half of the sugar/15 gm with egg yolks in a mixing bowl, cream it uses a whisk, add milk and cooking oil and whisk until it is slightly fluffy. Add the powder mixture and blend well to form a thick paste.

4. Place egg whites and the remaining sugar in a clean mixing bowl with two drops of vinegar (optional), stand the stand mixer/hand mixer at low speed and whisk until some bubbles appear, turn to high speed and continue mixing until light and fluffy with soft peak showing at the tip of mixer head. I liked mine a little drying in texture thus I continue to whisk the egg white a little longer until it shows semi-hard peak.

5. Scoop out 1/2 of the mixture and place it into the green tea paste, using a large spatula to fold the mixture in.


6. 把拌勻的麵糊倒入剩下的蛋白裏,用相同的方式快速拌勻,此時手要快,要輕,避免蛋白消泡。

7. 在一個13x9寸的烤盤上鋪上烘培紙,底部可以抹點油穩住紙。把麵糊倒入,在案板上大力敲打幾下,敲出大氣泡。

8. 烤箱預熱至300 F(150C),入烤箱烤18-20分鍾後轉上火烤1分鍾上色。烤完把烤箱門稍微打開一個縫,等待3分鍾再取出蛋糕。

9. 冷卻架上鋪一張幹淨的烘培紙(比較滑的一麵向上),把蛋糕取出倒蓋到幹淨的烘焙紙上。稍微冷卻後把蛋糕體上的烘焙紙小心撕下。

10. 均勻地抹上咖椰醬,然後取個麵包刀在蛋糕的尾端均勻地切上三刀,不要切斷,這個做法可以讓蛋糕卷的時候不會變形,形狀更好看。

11. 用一個擀麵杖稍微卷起底部的烘焙紙,然後往上像卷壽司那樣,穩穩地,緊密地往上卷。卷好的蛋糕可以冷藏幾個小時再切。

6. Place the mixture you just mixed in the mixing bowl that has the remaining egg white, fold in the same way you just did, quickly and steadily.

7.Pour the mixture gently into a prepared pan (13x9), lightly knock the pan over countertop a few times to shake out excessive air in the batter.

8. Preheat oven to 300F (150C) and bake for 18-20 minutes, and broil for 1 minute to brown the top. Open the oven door ajar and wait for 3 minutes before taking it out.

9. Place a fresh parchment paper over cooling rack, with the smooth side facing up, quickly turn the cake over onto the parchment paper. Carefully remove the top parchment paper. Let cool for a few minutes.

10. Spread 1/2 cups of Kaya/coconut jam over the cake, using a pastry knife, cut 3 shallow lines at the edge of the cake, this will aid in rolling the cake later.

11. With the help of a rolling pin, light brings the underside parchment paper up and roll the cake as you would with sushi rolls. Store in the refrigerator for few hours before slicing it.



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Visit me at -- http://www.echoskitchen.com/

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