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今天晚上天空異常晴朗,一輪彎彎的明月,懸掛在圖書館的窗邊,心情格外寧靜。樓下zhaoju MM說,背後的溫暖不止他一個人,真的是這樣的,沒有秘書大媽,沒有那幾位主治醫生,沒有和我一起日日夜夜的住院醫生,沒有爸爸媽媽永遠的支持,和這個博克裏的朋友們,我在美國走的醫學之途,遠遠不會這樣讓人感懷。
BTW, I am quite disappointed and amused by your “character assassination”, that is too low in my book. Here is a deal, when you come to NYC, an arrangement can be made for you to give me a physical exam so you are able to verify my gender, height, weight or other vital data to cater your interests. Oh, a small request, as a token to moderate my embarrassment, after you are done, can I be given an opportunity to have an intimate peek at you under the hood, too ? of course, with your consent:).
Enjoy your weekend,
P.S.- Happy birthday, hope you will have a great celebration this year with love ones and fans who adore and care about you, and a happy, cheerful and fertile year ahead.
我在夏威夷海灘曬太陽,你在深夜苦讀。I really feel guilty. Wish you luck!
Change the subject, today is our Chinese tradition holiday day of 七夕, I’d like to dedicate a old song by Joi Chua to all of us here who are loving someone , being loved or had been loved before. I think that it is time to shrug off these sadness, longing, nostalgia or tears that bother us too long and instead, renew with hope, strength, happiness and cheerfulness :).
Warn: if anyone is prone to be sentimental or emotional, bypass it :).
Here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmNchl1TUW0&NR=1
Have fun!
To read your blog and get to know you gave me comfort, strength and hope.
Add oil, Dortor MM :))