落花飄零 (熱門博主)
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背後的溫暖 (續)

(2009-08-24 19:40:29) 下一個




今天晚上天空異常晴朗,一輪彎彎的明月,懸掛在圖書館的窗邊,心情格外寧靜。樓下zhaoju MM說,背後的溫暖不止他一個人,真的是這樣的,沒有秘書大媽,沒有那幾位主治醫生,沒有和我一起日日夜夜的住院醫生,沒有爸爸媽媽永遠的支持,和這個博克裏的朋友們,我在美國走的醫學之途,遠遠不會這樣讓人感懷。

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縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 Gee, what did happene to you ? Did something confiscate your mind ? I thought that I’ve pre-warned you politely for not clicking that youtube song link for your own good. Well, resistance seemed futile :).

BTW, I am quite disappointed and amused by your “character assassination”, that is too low in my book. Here is a deal, when you come to NYC, an arrangement can be made for you to give me a physical exam so you are able to verify my gender, height, weight or other vital data to cater your interests. Oh, a small request, as a token to moderate my embarrassment, after you are done, can I be given an opportunity to have an intimate peek at you under the hood, too ? of course, with your consent:).

Enjoy your weekend,

P.S.- Happy birthday, hope you will have a great celebration this year with love ones and fans who adore and care about you, and a happy, cheerful and fertile year ahead.
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 考完了,考完了,謝謝大家!
流浪的人群 回複 悄悄話 剛剛從夏威夷回到加州,就趕緊來拜訪。一個禮拜沒來,悵然若失。

我在夏威夷海灘曬太陽,你在深夜苦讀。I really feel guilty. Wish you luck!
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 Many things around us behave like two-way lanes, support and encouragement are predominantly among them. A tad those can really last a long way. I can imagine that how many times your spirit and moral have been boosted when someone was there for you, never going stingy on his/her support and understanding as your were down or beaten at a moment. To you , as if they lit a candle at the window at a dark and stormy night - the warm and soft light removed the darkness from the heat of a weary traveler, you. In due respect, you are also a source of comfort and hope to so many as well, on the net or in your day to day life, not mentioning you were often the last one there with your dying pts, offering them a sense of dignity, humanity, consolation and peace at the end of their time. I am a firm believer a old adage “we only live once” so given or take ,let’s be grateful to others and cherish what we had and having, never take granted anything.

Change the subject, today is our Chinese tradition holiday day of 七夕, I’d like to dedicate a old song by Joi Chua to all of us here who are loving someone , being loved or had been loved before. I think that it is time to shrug off these sadness, longing, nostalgia or tears that bother us too long and instead, renew with hope, strength, happiness and cheerfulness :).

Warn: if anyone is prone to be sentimental or emotional, bypass it :).

Here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmNchl1TUW0&NR=1

Have fun!
小泥山 回複 悄悄話 It's a pleasure to know that I might be one of the person who gave you warmth along the way :)

To read your blog and get to know you gave me comfort, strength and hope.

Add oil, Dortor MM :))
mich_eom 回複 悄悄話 落花加油!祝考試順利~~ :)
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 Thank you! :)
spacespirit 回複 悄悄話 祝考試順利!
stillthere 回複 悄悄話 祝福順利!