落花飄零 (熱門博主)
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(2009-07-23 19:34:17) 下一個


周圍的人都很好,工作也慢慢熟悉起來了,但是還會時不時地覺得情緒低落。雖然知道這個是expected的,但是覺得自己的距離真的很遠,身邊的人都受過嚴格出色的培訓,不少人都和著名的醫生合作過,適應起來也非常快,和他們比起來,我深深覺得不是在這裏土生土長畢業的我,留下了後天難以彌補的gap, 從各個方麵都需要格外努力。



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閱讀 ()評論 (19)
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 thanks for the reply (here i am being lady-like again:)), i would love to come to Andrea Bocelli and New York Philharmonic performance! I adore him and you know that well.and sept 3rd will be my birthday, won't that be perfect? but i can only take several days off at the end of the sept due to my parents flying and my schedule. this is really sad...
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 Hey, quick answer is a yes. Sometime in proper channel, I will fill you in with some useful info - hopefully screened through locals' lens rather than tourists'ones; for instance, how about spending a evening with Andrea Bocelli and New York Philharmonic in early Sept:).

In my mind, you have earned your right/privilege to be acquainted with Manhattan since you have been here before. In addition, you are a huge fan of girly TV sitcom “Sex and the City”and the movie as well. After have watched all those episodes, the city's noticeable landmarks and the “waterholes” for the socialites should be all on the back of your hands, I am presuming.:)

I am sort of surprised that your parents would have to go back so soon, I thought they could stay with you for much longer time. BTW, just keep you in the loop that you are not the only person who has benefited from their stay, though, us too. Thanks to your mom and dad‘s presence, you have been behaved pretty lady-like lately, almost maintained a spotless clean record; no one has become the fresh fatality of the your “hostility” in the format of “hissing”,or “ intimidate .:) Can you continue being collegial, kind and graceful ... ?

I’am now stopping teasing you, Ok. I’ll try to be helpful.

have a sweet one!
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 回複縱然平行的評論:hey, quick question, I am planning to take my parents to NY for a long weekend in September, before they fly back home, any suggestions? :)

落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 再次感謝後麵留言的同學。恕我不一一回複了,謝謝你們。
mich_eom 回複 悄悄話 加油啊落花mm - 你一定會越走越遠,風雨之後就是彩虹!
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 Hm, contrast to your 隱形翅膀 and soaring spirit, all I got are a pair of 隱形眼鏡 and a pea-sized brain, and no kidding!:)

Putting envy aside, I do admire your self-encouragement, I think that you are doing right thing - deal with the occasional grip of doubt, yet stick to your goal steadfastly.

The truth is that many time, winners and a losers are separated, actually, not far apart. In fact, They frequently are sorted out by a very thin timeline. The ones stand on the ground firm at the pivotal moment win, the others who hesitate or quit may have to face the agony of failures . I guess you’d like to win, right ? So, hang in there tough.

To amuse you a little, let me ask you a “ten-mil-$” question, but you can only claim the “reward “ if you can answer it correctly within 10 seconds:). (referring to your recent piece about a hidden tranquil pond near your newly rental place)

Here goes the question,

What is the purpose of the small pond to be in the enclave of the complex? In other word, what’s there for ? Warning: taking a tour around the pond before answering the question would be considered as cheating though.:)

BTW, no matter what your answer might be, I am sure that your brain size is bigger than mine. Knowing that would definitely comfort you:)

Have Fun,

P.S thinking of taking a trip to Southern Europe, to be specific, Madrid, Tuscany and Cognac before this summer ends, unwinding a bit on my over-worked body and nursing my deprived stomach for a couple weeks . Any victims want to join me ? Sorry, what I meant was any volunteers.:) Anyone, It is a joke, please don’t get offended, alright. I am late, I got to go running now.
辮子 回複 悄悄話 每個人都會有氣餒的時候,深深吸口新鮮空氣,把一切煩惱都呼出去,臉上帶著笑容,一步一個腳印,從容人生,你會為你自己驕傲的!
麥琦 回複 悄悄話 加油落花!你一定能行!

一程歌 回複 悄悄話 http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200809&postID=15982
流浪的人群 回複 悄悄話 回複落花飄零的評論:



落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 謝謝大家,每次在我情緒動搖的時候你們總是這麽耐心地鼓勵我,在新的地方我還沒有什麽朋友,可是這裏你們總是在我左右,真的很感謝。
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 N你的主治醫生就是你的榜樣,他能做到,你也可以的,做慣常的你自己就能走下去,你的毅力我們一路都看到。其實不是土生土長的醫生達到目標的其實是不同一般的優秀,就像你的主治。
iam007! 回複 悄悄話 The board test has been easier, with an approximately 90% passrate. So take easy and do not overkill it. After that, no one would concern or care about how much you get in the test. your specialty skills will eventually become dorminated in your daily activity. The important thing is how you approach patients and disease management.
蚊子凶猛 回複 悄悄話 還是女生好啊,壓力可以化為淚水往外走,我這幾天壓力大上火,半邊嘴已經爛了,吃飯都用另一半牙嚼,都‘內化’了,嗬嗬
fog_rain_thunder 回複 悄悄話 聽首歌輕鬆一下。
加油.. hug..
zhaoju2000 回複 悄悄話 旁觀者清。我知道你是最棒的!
aaalbert 回複 悄悄話 "Perseverance is not a long race;

it is many short races,

one after another."

Walter Elliot
stillthere 回複 悄悄話 堅持就是勝利!