
Random thoughts over random matters at random times


(2012-02-23 11:09:01) 下一個
熱火的三駕馬車 - LeBron, Wade, and Bosh, 隨便哪個人如果手順起來,輕鬆拿30分沒有什麽問題。如果防守得比較好的話,降低他們的命中率,LeBron and Wade, 每個人20分出頭總還是起碼的。那麽有什麽比較好的限製他們的手段嗎?說實話,如果我有的話,我也不會坐在這裏碼字了:)

去年預測小牛的冠軍的時候我說過,那是打敗熱火可能性最大的一年,因為他們還沒有完全融合,輔助球員也較勉強。到最後,Dirk發飆,LeBron choked, 小牛隊才把他們拿下。那麽他們的成功經驗有什麽可以借鑒呢?我認為有兩點。

第一,不可能同時限製住三個人,希望有可能限製住其中一個,或者一個半。相對來講,Bosh是比較起來相對容易限製,因為他比較怕硬朗的球員。Tyson Chandler is just made for that task.

第二,一對一,紐約根本防不住 LeBron 和 Wade,更不要說同時。再加上最好的 perimeter defender Shumpert 有傷,那更是雪上加霜。所以隻有多用聯防,希望用集體的站位來卡住這兩個最好球員的衝擊。

小林的橫向移動速度不行,而且防守經驗不夠,經常看見他在pick and roll, 或者對速度快的後衛變向後根本跟不上的現象。如果堅持要盯人防守的話,LeBron and Wade這樣經驗豐富的進攻隊員,一定會猛打小林這一點,同時起到限製他進攻的作用,並消耗他的體力。

眾所周知,破聯防最好的辦法就是以準確的三分打擊,雖然LeBron and Wade都可以投三分,而且手風順的話,有可能會很精準。但是畢竟不是靠這個吃飯的,隻能希望他們到時候不那麽準了。

熱火隊從外圍衝擊內線的能力極強,內線的壓力一定很大,Chandler很有可能早早地的兩次犯規,被換下場。估計Jeffries will see a lot of minutes, 好在他的防守也很不錯,人也很頑強。

It\'s a team game, Amare and Melo should definitely work hard at the defensive end, to block out, to help double, to put a hand up, and to rebound. Lin needs to work a lot harder to fight through the pick and stay with him man, at least bother the shots a little bit. One more thing, I find increasingly not too happy with Lin is, I think he needs to be more alert and more active on those long boards. He needs to help with those long rebounds, or at least box out.

It\'s just one game, and it won\'t decide anything. The pressure is actually at the Heat side. As Magic Johnson put it last night, If I were LeBron or Wade, I would be super mad, because Lin has stolen all the spotlights. I would want to come out hungry, and do something about it. If Lin can stay calm, and doesn\'t get intimidated, even if they got a rough start at a hostile arena, there is chance. After all, it\'s not the playoff\'s 7 game series format, it\'s NBA, and it\'s just one night, anything could happen.

I won\'t be surprised at all, if Knicks were beaten tonight. All I want to see is that they can play well, try their best, and build confidence to hang on with the top team. If they can achieve that, it would be a huge plus.
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