
阿椿 (熱門博主)
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(2011-10-21 19:08:02) 下一個


↑ 餓了嗎?來這裏吃喝~ 

Hungry? Have some food and fun~ 

↑ 來個三明治吧~  送你眼珠子 :-)

Have a sandwich, take an eyeball as a bonus.

↑ 想吃肉?到我頭上來揭~~

Where is the meat for the sandwich? On my head!! 

↑ 敢吃內髒嗎?Dare to eat my guts? 

↑ 最近用腦過度?來一塊補補~~ 

Over used your brain lately? Have some. 

↑ 腦子味道不錯? Quite tasty? 

↑ 嗬嗬,你比後麵這位堅強!!

Ah ha, you're TOUGHER than the fellow on the back! 

↑ 你問我愛你有多深?一顆紅心全掏出來給你.

You ask how much I love you? Here is my whole heart, just for you~ 


↑ 你不相信?來看看我內心的表白.

You don't believe me? Let me open my heart for you~ 

↑ 你再不相信, 可別怨我朝你瞪眼!!

Still don't believe it? Then don't blame me for giving you the evil eyes. 

↑ 累了,不理你了! 我清理小貓的PP去了。

That's it, forget it! I have to clean the kitty litter now. 

↑ 嗯? 想換換口味, 吃一點清脆的?來一跟手指嚼嚼!

What? want to have something crispy instead, bite a finger! 

↑ 不夠刺激? 來個眼珠含含!!

And something sweet? Suck on an eyeball!!

↑ 瘋夠了吧? 吃個蘋果. 不許動手哦,然後該幹嘛幹嘛去!!

Had enough fun? Hands free and get an apple, go back to work!! 


注:照片版權屬"愛瘋絲艾絲"所有,翻版必究~~ :-))))

P. S. All Photos were taken by iPhone 4S, all rights reserved.



注:最後那個蘋果不能用手拿而得用嘴去桶裏叼,你看那些蘋果是在水裏半沈半浮。它是一個傳統的萬聖節遊戲~  - Apple bobbing.



Apple bobbing, also known as bobbing for apples, is a game often played in connection with Halloween. The game is played by filling a tub or a large basin with water and putting apples in the water. Because apples are less dense than water, they will float at the surface. Players (usually children) then try to catch one with their teeth. Use of hands is not allowed, and often are tied behind the back to prevent cheating.

In Scotland this may be called "dooking"," i.e. ducking.

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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
熊貓媳婦 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,你們公司的人很會做哦。那個肉頭,腦花,和嘔吐的南瓜超讚!
咪豆 回複 悄悄話 嚇死我了