Puppie wants to be fit!

Cleaning out my closet the other day, I found I have 9 Jeans, brand new, the mark even on the waist area.

dec4 131lb..

(1/) 2006-12-04 19:41:17

Chickpea & Peanut Stew---revised

(0/) 2006-09-30 07:38:46

Diet Log: Sept22 130lb->sept128lb

(0/) 2006-09-22 04:05:51

forward 香蕉醋快瘦絕技

(1/) 2006-09-21 18:28:55

good web about diet

(0/) 2006-09-20 14:12:24


(0/) 2006-09-18 16:31:54

Chinese Herbal for Women

(1/) 2006-09-18 16:30:12

incompleted : breakfast ideas

(0/) 2006-09-17 04:38:08


(0/) 2006-09-15 16:29:29


(2/) 2006-09-15 16:23:56

滋陰養血 調月經失調 zt

(0/) 2006-09-12 19:10:54

家製龜苓膏 zt

(0/) 2006-09-12 16:17:00

sept11, 130lb-> Sept20??lb

(2/) 2006-09-11 16:00:01

最性感體重指數: 123 Lb

(1/) 2006-09-02 04:51:58

wish list

(0/) 2006-09-02 04:32:04


(3/) 2006-09-01 10:19:13


(2/) 2006-09-01 10:12:38

Phase 2: Body shape for my jeans

(1/) 2006-08-30 18:24:31

forward: Food & Portion Size

(0/) 2006-07-27 09:13:04

What I think a pretty woman

(0/) 2006-07-26 19:13:29