Nobody knows
you can list all the data and I can list all the data , but it is hilghly individual.
at the end, we just do what makes us happy
Nobody knows
you can list all the data and I can list all the data , but it is hilghly individual.
at the end, we just do what makes us happy
• 讚同。目前尚未有鍛練時間和強度與癌症發生率關聯的準確量化指標;既使將來有,如你所說也會因人而異,尤其在強調診療個體化時代 -廣陵曉陽- ♀ (0 bytes) () 08/24/2023 postreply 12:33:01
• 非常讚同! 沒有統計意義的量化數據,不外是從個例得出的以偏概全。即使有統計,也要看個體差異 -GoGym- ♀ (61 bytes) () 08/24/2023 postreply 12:45:10
• 我讀完了。很有趣。有些 “過量” 簡直高不可攀。 -布蘭雅- ♀ (1855 bytes) () 08/24/2023 postreply 13:18:26
• 讚布班對數據的認真研究精神! -在水依芳- ♀ (0 bytes) () 08/24/2023 postreply 13:28:35
• 請問第4條是要說明什麽?這個年齡段的運動員更易患冠狀動脈硬化? -涳濛雨- ♀ (0 bytes) () 08/24/2023 postreply 14:51:37
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