Should i wait? Or what shall i do?

來源: hjs2010 2010-02-24 00:40:54 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3304 bytes)
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Sorry, i can not type Chinese from my computer. This is the first time i come here and post a question. Thanks in advance.

1. I met a white girl 3 years ago and i was very keen on her. I think i was too cautious then because i am over 10 years older than her. We were good friends until one day i was told by her boyfriend that their relationship was very serious. I was very upset and lost contact with her since then. I was against the marriage (they married a few months later) and so were her relatives. The main reason they were against was her hu*****and has a natural illness, which is uncureable. It is called fibromalgia. Once you have this disease, you feel you have the flu symptoms all the time. She did not know the side-effects of this illness.

2. 1 year ago, we met again because of her family business. I was asked to help her grandpa to move house. She was there too. We had a good time together(of course we did not have sex). I heard that her marriage was not in good shape due to a few reasons. One of the big reasons is that she can not see her future and happiness with this guy. She told them she did not want to have children with him because life would be too hard for her.

We were very happy working together. I realised that i still could have the chance to gain her back if her marriage fails.

After that event, we kept sending emails to each other. I knew that her marriage was still not working although she said she kept giving her marriage the best shot but sill she could not see the future. It is very difficult for her hu*****and to find a job.

But she is a christian and she just can not do something bad that makes her friends think that she is a bad girl.

3. Maybe it is something we can not control helped us to be together again. Her uncle wanted her to work for him for a couple of weeks. She came to my city. One night we were chatting something about songs and movies. It was getting very late and we both found we were attacted to each other and we had sex. She really enjoyed it and she told me she had the best time ever. Then in the next 2 weeks we saw each other quite often and even had one day off touring the whole city. She told me the happiness she got from me was far more than those she got in the last 3 years.

By the time she had to leave. We both knew we fell in love with each other deeply.

4. We were still in touch with each other after she left but soon her hu*****and found out our relationship. She was so hurt but still wants to give her marriage a best short to see if it works or not. So she told me not to write to her any more.

But in the last 5 days, she called me twice. The first time she said she knew that my birthday was coming and wished me happy birthday. She also told me that in the first 2 weeks, she tried to ignore me, to forget about me. But she could not do it any more in the past 2 weeks. She keeps thinking of me. She said her heart was not with her hu*****and. Today she called me again. we had a good chat about her happiness and future. I still could not see her decision.

So, please tell me the results of this fair or our love.

Thanks again for reading such a long post. This is real story and i hope i can get some hints from oursiders.


回複:Should i wait? Or what shall i do? -lavendar~- 給 lavendar~ 發送悄悄話 lavendar~ 的博客首頁 (437 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 07:07:09

嗬嗬,原諒偶特別想笑 -蜂蜜- 給 蜂蜜 發送悄悄話 (328 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 07:21:18

you are so mean -cuihualou- 給 cuihualou 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 17:09:43

回複:Should i wait? Or what shall i do? -快樂島- 給 快樂島 發送悄悄話 (676 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 11:29:05

It's up to -closer- 給 closer 發送悄悄話 closer 的博客首頁 (352 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 11:49:07

回複:Should i wait? Or what shall i do? -atair- 給 atair 發送悄悄話 (1275 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 12:36:22

回複:Many thanks -hjs2010- 給 hjs2010 發送悄悄話 (3148 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 13:41:11

我看完感覺不太好,她現在沒準備離婚,你們交流又會使 -fpxjz- 給 fpxjz 發送悄悄話 fpxjz 的博客首頁 (360 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 14:02:49

回複:我看完感覺不太好,她現在沒準備離婚,你們交流又會使 -hjs2010- 給 hjs2010 發送悄悄話 (1298 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 14:24:09

她對你有感覺,但是拋棄有病的丈夫的罪惡感讓她害怕 -xiaozhimeng- 給 xiaozhimeng 發送悄悄話 (76 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 17:08:35

回複:thanks. -hjs2010- 給 hjs2010 發送悄悄話 (1337 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 17:31:54

我覺得你挺瀟灑的,好像也不是特別attached,那就move on吧 -xiaozhimeng- 給 xiaozhimeng 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 17:41:19

回複:I just want she has got the best -hjs2010- 給 hjs2010 發送悄悄話 (582 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 17:49:00

It was the impression I got from your previous post -xiaozhimeng- 給 xiaozhimeng 發送悄悄話 (243 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 18:02:46

回複:right -hjs2010- 給 hjs2010 發送悄悄話 (171 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 18:06:48

要看她的性格,如果是優柔寡斷型的, -yvresse'moonlight- 給 yvresse'moonlight 發送悄悄話 yvresse'moonlight 的博客首頁 (40 bytes) () 02/24/2010 postreply 18:37:47



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