回複:Should i wait? Or what shall i do?

來源: atair 2010-02-24 12:36:22 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1275 bytes)
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I can't type Chinease either at this moment. :)

You need to answer the following quesions from your heart.

1) Do you really love her and want to marry her? Or just to be a lover? The intimacy you have with her does not warrant a marriage yet. All I can see is an affair (guessed that's what you meant)

2) Do you share the religious belief with her? since she appears to be very strong on it.

3) How much are you willing to help her with her marriage, whether to save it or dissolve it smoothly, and tell her? How much does she want help from you on her marriage?

4) How much are you willing to sacrifice to be with her?

5) Sorry to be insulting. How much do you think she is taking you as a "bouncing boy"? The real question is how much she loves you and wants to marry you. I have not seen a single word on that yet. (the reason I say this is that this is a cross culture and I have seen cases like this that the girl needs you now but not necessary for the rest of her life.)

6) Has she said she wanted to marry you? Or she may need your some kind of commitment and encouragement to make a decision.

Finally, help her as much as you can. Give her a chance which will give yourself a chance.

Good luck !


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