回複:Many thanks

來源: hjs2010 2010-02-24 13:41:11 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3148 bytes)
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Thanks guys and girls. All the advises and replies are very helpful.

To be frankly speaking, i love her very much and so does she. I did not tell her that i was keen on her before i knew she had a boyfriend. We do not live in the same city.

I truly think she is the one i can live with for the rest of my life. I do go to the church and prey but i regard myself not 100% christian because i do have a broad beliefs and oppions about life, which is slihtly different from the bible. She agrees with me that Christianaity is only one of the religious things to approach to the god.

She is a well-educated teacher but her hu*****and did not finish his high school. They met in the church and she thought she could be the angle to save his life, which is quite wrong and she admitted this. Her hu*****and admited that he manipulated her emotions. We including her relatives think her hu*****and is a know it all.

I do not think there are some cultural difference between us because i am very westernized. I have dated a few Chinese girls but there are some difference between me and them in valuing things ( it seems they are too traditional or the way they think is quite different from mine).

She told me one day that she felt so dissappointed that she did not get pregnant by me otherwise it would be easier for us. I think what she said is a little bit random.

Before her hu*****and knew our business, he had tried to leave her for good for a few times but he always came back. Right not, he does not want to leave and he is trying his best to keep her, even tred to blackmailed her by trying to tell her relatives and friends about what happened between us.

She called me yesterday. She said she just does not want to make another mistake. Also after 3 years living with her hu*****and, there are something between them. We called it kind of love, which is quite different from the love between us, which is full of passion and pure love.

The major obstacles are her christianaity and her worries about making another mistake. I told her that if she carries on what she has got now, she would end up with long last unhappiness. If she does not try a new relationship, how come she keeps saying it is another mistake? And she agrees.

I also asked how long i can wait because i do not want to wait for centuries. She mentioned one year. She also is waiting something to happen. I am really confused. What kind of thing she is waiting for!!!.

Also, we have a lot of things in common. She is very good at art and painting. Right now she is trying to learn Chinese cooking and Chinese language. I told her that i may go home to visit my relatives at the end of this year and i hope she can come with me. She said she can not promise me but she is thinking of it.....

Right now, the best i can do is to wait. I am not going to send her emails. I believe if we meant to be together, god will use his own way to let us reunite.

Thanks again for all the replies. I can see you guys are all very skillful and loving to offer helps. I wish you all the best and happy Lantern Festival.


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