1) 剩女比較地道(能讓natives一下子就明白)表達:a sprinter,an old maid--a woman who is older and not married.
2)It keeps my life interesting--it keeps me confused 可以用得上的情景:譬如在parkade 兜了幾圈都沒能找到出口。
3)Follow me, I will be right behind you--加拿大的紐芬蘭人特有的表達,愚蠢的說法。(如果我跟你走,你如何在我後麵了?stupid)
4) Food went through him like a dose of salts--很快很有效地消耗掉食物就如吃了瀉藥 A dose of salts means a laxative
5 You can't throw a stick and not hit a Thompson-意思是姓Thompson的人太多了,扔出一木條子就能擊中一個。。。中文我們常說招牌。譬如:這裏的博士多如過江之鯽,一個招牌掉下來就能擊中幾個。。。(oops, no offense to 博士們here :)) kidding。
6)thousands and thousands must be 500---意思The way they talk you will never know what will come out of their nmouth. 紐芬蘭人講話總是出其不意的好玩/無厘頭
7) She didn't come by it strange, she inherits it. 這個是她家族遺傳啦。She didn't come by it strange(這個我不會翻譯,請大家幫幫忙,多謝!)--她不是無緣無故這樣的,這是她家族遺傳啦。