在一切生物中,要算蜂鳥體型最優美、顏色最鮮豔。經過工藝加工的各種寶石和金屬是無法跟這個大自然的珍寶媲美的。大自然按照鳥類的大小把它列為最小號,真 是"最小的絕妙珍品"。這種小蜂鳥是大自然的傑作。大自然把其他鳥類隻能分有其中一部分的種種天賦全部慷慨地給了它。這個小寵兒具有輕盈、敏捷、靈活、優 雅以及羽毛絢麗等一切妙處。那翠綠的、豔紅的、嫩黃色的羽毛閃閃發光。蜂鳥從不讓它的羽毛沾染塵土,它生活在天空中,一刻也不碰到草皮。它總是在空中飛 翔,從花叢飛向花叢;它象花一樣的新鮮,又象花一樣的豔麗。蜂鳥靠花蜜為生,它隻生活在四季鮮花盛開的地帶。 (範钜清 譯)
Among all living beings, the one with the most elegant figure and the most splendid color is no other than the humming-bird. No artificial jewels or metals can compare with this natural beauty. Based the size, the humming bird is categorized by nature as the smallest bird, a true “tiniest wonder”. The humming-bird is a masterpiece of the Nature, who generously gives it all the talents of which other birds can only share a part. This little darling has all the best qualities such as being light, swift, flexible and elegant as well as splendid in color. The jade green, bright red, fresh yellow feathers glitter with light. The humming-bird never gets its feathers dusted. Living in the sky, it never touches the lawn. It is always flying in the air, from one bed of flower to another. It is as fresh and glorious as the flowers. The bees live on the honey while the humming-bird lives with the flowers.
My translation homework
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07/18/2011 postreply
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07/18/2011 postreply
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07/18/2011 postreply
haha, that is why it is full of fun in our writing class!
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07/18/2011 postreply