我把榨汁的老祖宗Dr Norman Walker 在他的著作Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Juices中關於 potato juice 的一段描述摘下來給大家參考。 已經說過許多遍:同樣一種食物,生的和熟的營養成份不一樣,大家各取所需。鮮榨的蔬果汁有許多治病強身的功能,以後有機會再慢慢聊。
The raw potato contains easily digestible natural sugars which upon cooking, are converted into starch. Potatoes should be omitted from the diet of those suffering from venereal diseases and those afflicted with aphrodisiac tendencies. The combination of cooked meat and potatoes intensifies the solanine poison of the potato(an alkaloid poison more particularly prevalent in potatoes too green in colour), which has an affinity for the nerves controlling the sexual organs; this, together with presence of uric acid crystals resulting from the ingestion of meat, may cause excessive irritation of these organs.
The juice of raw potatoes, however, has proved very beneficial in clearing up skin blemishes. This cleansing is due to the high content of potassium, sulphur, phosphorus, and chlorine in the potato. These elements, however, are only of value when potato is raw, in which state they are composed of live organic atoms. When the potato is cooked, these are converted into inorganic atoms, as such, they are of little or no value for constructive purposes.
Fresh raw-raw organically grown potatoes are very palatable to eat, many people do like them and they are unquestionable a good food.
Raw potato juice has proved to be very healthy cleanser of the system and to be very beneficial, particularly in combination with carrot juice.
The juice of raw potatoes, combined with that of carrot and celery, is a boon to those suffering from gastric, nerve, and muscle disturbance, such as gout and sciatica. In such cases, one pint of this combination in addition to one pint of carrot, beet, and cucumber juice daily, has often given complete relief from these discomforts in a surprisingly short time, provided that meat, fowl, and fish were eliminated completely from the diet.
Some emphysema victims have been helped and found relief in using a combination of carrot, parsley and raw potato juices.
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