在美國行醫的專業人士,如何考取美國生活方式(lifestyle medicine)的專科執照(board):
1. 成為american college of lifestyle medicine member, membership fee ~$250/year
2. 滿足下麵的條件:
--Current ABMS certification, 包括ABIM certification
--30 hours of online/non-live CME (Board review manual 3rd edition, and online course就可以,我去年買的)
--10 hours of in-person CME (開會,我注冊了11/12-11/16/2022 ACLM lifestyle medicine conference 年會, ~$1200)
--A case study outlining your personal experience with lifestyle medicine (記錄改善生活習慣的一個案例,可以是自己和他人)
3. 考試:4個小時,在本地, 11/26-12/11/2022 $1649, https://ablm.org/
Application for Lifestyle Medicine Physician - Experiential Pathway