
說得有理,混吃老板非常hands off, 給我絕對自由,因為她不知what is going on. 但我受不了出了事不support. 感覺兩個人上戰場,子彈來了,把我推出去當盾牌。


我對現老板意見不是因為他是工作狂,其實我也是半個工作狂。受不了他同時是control freak plus micro management (probably those characters always come with workaholic and that is the part of reasons why those managers work long hours).

今天開會有人提要把personal days 放在vacation tracking sheet 裏,完全合理,這樣大家才知還有多少天可休, 老板說沒必要,他不想track personal days, 想休就休吧。我說了一句不放裏麵confusing. 後來急著走了,他給我發IM :why you hung up on personal days” 我說not just me, everyone. 他說,你作為manager, you should direct other people. We need to discuss this further detail on Friday. OMG, 一句話而已,有多大的事,說得我像是在帶頭鬧事,就是因為這句話和他不同意見。 我們所有的spreadsheet都被他加上password. 每次隻能save as 來用,因為被protect, 我連spelling check 都不能。花一周末把meeting minutes 寫成summary,上來第一句話,問我為什麽沒用他approved template.我根本不知有那末個template存在。自由慣了,那遇見過這樣的boss. 怪不得那些staff每一件小事都要請示他.我在那裏不敢做任何決定,做了也沒有,不知那句話,那件事就踩了地雷.


想聽聽你的見解怎樣handle這樣的boss,以前我們還曾是朋友,I had a lot of fun with him as a friend and a colleague. 我絕沒想到他做為 boss會是這樣。現在我們越來越professional,早沒了當初的好時光。I wish I never worked for him so we can still be friend.

