懷念 M.R. 範 · 默爾西
我與範教授的第一次會麵是在他義務為中國人開辦的英語口語班上。那是 2002 年 12 月一個周末的下午,地點在他辦公室隔壁的小會議室裏。參加者有約 20 人,英語水平參差不齊。範教授為大家提供機會練習口語。在我到來之前,他已辦了一年的法語口語班和三年的英語班(應中國人要求改的)。我一去,見劉春生博士與教授並排坐在主席座上,大家談笑自如。我立即為班上融洽的師生關係所感化,緊張感消失了,談話便有條不紊。每次大家圍繞一個主題,暢所欲言,主題無所不包。範教授主持討論並糾正大家口語中的錯誤,有時也講講自己的經曆或看法。每到這時,我們便聽得格外認真。這個班持續了一年半,後來到春暖花開的時候,我認為這麽好的天呆在室內浪費了,便建議休課,待冬季來臨時再複課。可惜後來沒有複課。這個教室,還被他借給中文班用,以便那些在魁省出生或長大的中國人的後代不忘自己的文化。
範教授自己也學習中文。他除了在英語課的結尾時練練中文外 , 還特意請學生崔科 ( 以及前任 喻輝、謝寧等) 錄音中文課本 , 安裝中文衛視,家中中文版影視也不少。他在美國時,曾設法以中文與 Motel 的中國老板溝通,因為老板不懂英語。初次見麵的中國人往往被他的中文鎮住,但幾年以來並沒有多少長進。
範教授不僅熱愛中國文化 , 更愛中國人。他認為中國人比印度人更值得信賴 , 他更願意與中國人交往。我與他認識之初 , 便為他認識的中國人之多而折服。他曾數次訪問中國 , 其中一次是聯合國教科文組織組織的大學代表團,我們曾看過其訪問錄像。他退休前的一批四位中國學生中,有兩位便是他訪問中國時的中方接待。他的豪華住房,隨時對中國人開放,每逢聖誕節等重大節日,中國人便會被邀請去他家聚餐。範並不會做菜,但這不妨礙他出資買菜,由中國人做菜,然後大快朵姬。我初到他家時,吃驚於陳列品中中國物品多於其收藏的印度物品,它們主要是每個中國來訪者留下的紀念品,包括一麵中國國旗。
實際上中國人早已把此處當家了 : 短期訪問者可以無償在此住上數日或數月 , 那些離開魁市的中國人回訪 , 往往首選住在他家。他家是我們唯一可以不經預約隨時拜訪的家庭。我在他家常可見到或從電話中聽到回訪或問候的中國人,他們中有的還幫助帶過童年的小兒子納文恩 Naveen ,那是 1981 年那場災難性車禍的幸存者。那場車禍,奪去了其法國籍妻子、大兒子和大侄子的生命。自那以後,他便沒有再結婚。
範教授為中國人做的事,包括他與劉國津教授促成了拉瓦爾大學與吉林大學結為友好大學,促進了兩校醫學院的學術交流,包括聯合申請科研課題,包括他為中國人訪魁提供邀請信和擔保,包括校對研究論文的英文,包括寫求職推薦信,包括介紹前後抵魁的中國人相互認識等。作為回報,中國人為他整理庭院、戶外油漆 、在他外出時替他看家 等,也時常邀請他參加中國人的聚餐。 2006 年,他在家宴請吉大醫院來訪的 8 位醫生。 2007 年,他為訪魁的中國醫生團體申請美國簽證事奔走,不惜動用議員關係,使之成行。為此,錦州醫學院和吉林大學聘請他為名譽教授,拉瓦爾大學校長也不時就中國問題向他谘詢。他的關門弟子袁霞獲得本大學優秀研究生稱號,崔科獲得麥吉爾大學繼續深造的機會。
他的晚年生活極其簡單 : 我曾見過他的自帶午餐是白米飯澆酸奶,他的鞋磨得變了形。我夫人曾送他布鞋一雙,還曾於一個風雪交加的情人節送他一件羊毛衫。可惜他隻在當天穿了一次,以後又穿破舊的了。但他對中國人是慷慨的,每有來訪,他必破費請客。在我們眼裏,範教授是一位令人尊敬的長者,但他卻把我們看成自己的兄弟姐妹。他在魁北克引進了印度的兄妹節( Rakhy ),贈薩利給我們。他堪稱又一個柯棣華( Dwarkanath Kotnis , 1910-1942 )。
他退休後並不清閑 , 而是忙於寫課題申請書 , 擬用中國茶和印度的一種植物治療癌症 , 為此組織了印中美加的有關科學家 , 可惜沒獲批準。他的晚年也是孤獨的:他受到帕金森氏病、健忘症和憂鬱的折磨。兒子去了蒙特利爾上學,隻有一個弟弟有時來陪他住上一段時間。
其實他不光對中國人友好 , 他與法國的關係也不錯。他曾有一位法國太太 , 曾在法國工作過 ( 他退休後法國還定期匯來養老金 ), 本人擁有法國國籍 , 他與法國同行的學術交流也很緊密。為此 , 法國 Academie Clermont-Ferrand 科學院 大學聯盟授予他榮譽博士學位( 2001 )。我曾親見一法國來的訪問教授在他家住了半年,每天同他一起上下班。
印度是他的祖國 , 範教授經常訪問印度 , 聯合加印同行申報課題。 2007 年 , 他在國際教育年會上主持了加 - 印教育論談。他退休後回印度訪問時 , 還受拉瓦爾大學校長委托 , 與印度的十所大學建立了校際聯係。他半個世紀前的移民魁北克,促進了後來印度移民的到來, 他的家也是印度人在魁北克的據點,在這裏中國人與印度人發展了民間交流。
他所作的一切 , 源於他的泛愛及國際主義 , 他始終認為他是個世界公民。他晚年回顧人生時 , 認為友情是人間最珍貴的東西。他是拉 · 甘地和馬丁 · 路德 · 金的崇拜者 , 是非暴力和世界無核化運動的支持者和力行者。 2 001 年他帶著和平使命訪問日本廣島和長崎,回國後廣泛征集反戰、無核化簽名。這時的他是如此有名,以至於他的訪日、訪美在當地報紙均有報道。
In memory of M.R. Ven Murthy
Soon after I came back from a trip to
Prof. Murthy and I first met each other during his volunteer work giving an oral English course for speakers of Chinese. That was a weekend afternoon in December of
Prof. Murthy himself was also learning Chinese. He practiced Chinese at the end of the English course, he asked his student Ke Cui (and her predecessors Hui YU, Ning Xie, etc.) to record a tape of a Chinese textbook. He installed a Chinese TV satellite receiver. He also bought many Chinese movie DVDs. When he was in the
Prof. Murthy loved not only the Chinese culture, but also the Chinese people. Maybe he even thought that the Chinese were more reliable than the Indians, that he would like to work more with the Chinese rather than with Indians. I was surprised that he knew so many Chinese. He had visited
Actually, the Chinese had thought of his house as their home for long time. Short-term visitors could stay here freely for days or even months. Those who left and re-visited
His Chinese satellite TV channel also helped the Chinese a lot. We watched live shows of many important events at his place: the national Spring-Festival spectacles, the launch of the Shenzhou VI spaceship, the opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, etc. His extraordinarily complicated system of electronic applications was installed by Dr. Chunsheng Liu.
Prof. Murthy did a lot for the Chinese. For example, he and Prof. Guojin Liu helped Université Laval and the University of Jilin become sister universities, thus improving academic communication between the two schools of medicine so that both sides could jointly apply for funding of projects. As well, he also offered letters of invitation and guarantees for Chinese scholars to visit
His life during his last years was very simple: he prepared his own meals of rice mixed with yoghurt; his old shoes were deformed. My wife once presented him with a pair of new shoes, and she also presented him a wool sweater on a snowy and stormy St. Valentine¹s Day. But he wore them for only one day, after which, he continued to wear the old ones. He was generous to the Chinese: he would pay for a dinner in a restaurant whenever a visitor arrived. In our eyes, Prof. Murthy was a respectful elder. He treated us as his brothers and sisters. He introduced the Indian Rakhy Festival to
He did not stop working even after his retirement. He kept busy writing proposals. He planned to try Chinese tea and another Indian herb to cure cancer, with the cooperation of scientists from
He was kind to not only to the Chinese, but also to people of other nationalities. He had a good relationship with
He did all of this because of his international spirit. From the beginning he thought of himself a citizen of the world. When he recalled his life in his old age, he felt that friendship was the most important treasure in human society. He idolized Ghandi and Martin Luther King. He was a supporter and practiced non-violence and was for non proliferation of nuclear weapons. In 2001, he visited
All the achievements he did and all the respect he received from others, were the result of his life-long diligence, his kindness to human beings and his love for all.