The information age to a country boy
He can't really remember he ever read a book outside school in his middle school years, not to mention the elementary. There was no book, no newspaper, no magazine at home or nearby easily accessible. If he ever found a time to sit down to read one of the very few books from the school library, typically uninspiring revolutionary stories, his father could be quite resentful and he practically had to give up. His after-school time was occupied with household errands year after year until he left for university. "You know what, first time I saw you, short, skinny, dark, wearing dirty sandals, I thought, OMG, a clueless dung-picking farm boy strolled into our classroom!", one classmate told him later. Most of his elementary school classmates had dropped out of school one after another, even more so for girls. He was one of the lucky few who remained. One time a classmate took a small hand-copied novel to school, a story of mysterious love, he devoured it like a hungry wolf to a lamb. He was bright but had no political inspiration at all. This annoyed some of his teachers and classmates. But he had no shortage of fans. One teacher urged him to pay more attention to the subject of language and lent him three books in a summer, two math books , one poem collection. He went through the thinner math book but didn't even bother to flip through the poem book. Those are the only books he remembers.
Now, he has unlimited books to read, unlimited subjects to explore, unlimited like-minded friends to make, without leaving the house, practically free. Knowledgeable people can answer his questions quickly. Only time is the constraint. He can strike a conversation with a person thousands of miles away, even from a different culture. "How lucky I am, living in a time like this", he often tells himself. He lives in perpetual excitement and wonder. He even ventures to study some poetry, something that used to fascinate him so long ago at his tender age. Ah, Internet, what a wonder! How could one imagine a world like this a short while ago? Would those ancient poets be lonely if they lived again now? What would I have become if I had so many books to read when I were young ? And what I will become from now on? He asks himself.