很久以前看過一部郭凱敏和張芝華主演的沒什麽名氣的電影,所有情節我現在全忘了,唯獨記得故事裏張芝華的鄉下地主老爹的一句話:“女孩子讀了書,就是一份最好的嫁妝。” 我那時候覺得這老爺子真TNND俗氣!直到前些日子收拾自家書櫃,看到那些我們一次次搬家,從東到西,一直象老鼠搬家一樣不舍得扔掉的那些書,才終於理解了這位“老地主”-- 也可能是如今我自己也老成了俗人一個。:-) 喔,不要忘了吹了,很小的時候祖母就給俺講過這個“顏如玉”的道理,隻是她說的可不是什麽嫁妝!
When I was little, Grandma told me that if I did my school work well and read a lot, I would be able to floor a handsome young man when I grew up -- which was her interpretation of "there is a Song Yu in books" (書中自有顏如玉). I trusted my grandmother, for I knew she would never fail me! I did my best at school besides reading quite a lot books that wouldn't have helped me with the college entrance exam. And I ended up marrying a guy who is decent looking, though far from even comparable to Song Yu, but has read a wider range of books than I.
Today, when I saw the pictures of friends in MYSJ forum, I recalled that old saying Grandma had taught me again. And I can't help wondering: is it that all the bookworms are good looking, or that all the good looking people love books?
-- End of the story. I'd deeply appreciate it if you can proof read it and give me your feedback. Thanks.