
本帖於 2024-09-12 05:52:33 時間, 由普通用戶 863211 編輯

再請教8 老師:

       Q3: 我對Hague adoption process 一點不了解。 如果我用Hague adoption process,


-You must follow both Chinese and the United States adoption laws. See the links below:

Understanding the Hague Convention (

Hague Process | USCIS


                 而且Hague adoption process 會不會 受8/18 剛中國政府近期調整了跨國收養政策有影響?

-If the adoption meets the current Chinese Adoption law, then it should be fine.

               "中國政府近期調整了跨國收養政策 - 今後除“外國人來華收養三代以內旁係同輩血親的子女和繼子女”外,


        Q4: “you need to hire an experienced lawyer to help you. ”

                 ~ 這個有經驗的律師 是中國國內的律師 可以嗎?還是必需是美國律師?

-Hire an immigration lawyer from US. You may hire a Chinese-born lawyer who knows both Chinese and US laws well.


-Different lawyers, the charges are different. You may consult several lawyers and make comparison.


By the way, if the child can come to visit you using B2 visa, then he may stay in US with you for two years by extending the B2 visa again and again, or overstaying. Thus, you can use Family based petition adoption. I know some people did this way sucessfully.


8老師,感謝您的無私分享,您真是難得的好人, 非常有幫助, 萬分感激!8 老師再請進, 還有問題 -平安是福888- 給 平安是福888 發送悄悄話 (2857 bytes) () 09/12/2024 postreply 08:12:22

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8老師, 無法用語言感謝您的熱心幫助,非常感恩。 您再請進, 還有個問題 -平安是福888- 給 平安是福888 發送悄悄話 (1590 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 11:45:56

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8 老師, 您再請進 -平安是福888- 給 平安是福888 發送悄悄話 (2659 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 18:52:39

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8 老師, 非常感謝您的回複。再請進, 有疑問 -平安是福888- 給 平安是福888 發送悄悄話 (7206 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 22:33:07

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8 老師,感謝您的快速回複。 您再請進。 -平安是福888- 給 平安是福888 發送悄悄話 (6946 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 23:30:46

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8 老師,感激您的熱心幫忙。 您再請進。 -平安是福888- 給 平安是福888 發送悄悄話 (28984 bytes) () 09/15/2024 postreply 16:30:14

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8 老師, 感謝您! 剛才搜到這個鏈接。 老師您請進 -平安是福888- 給 平安是福888 發送悄悄話 (1550 bytes) () 09/15/2024 postreply 17:25:27
