8老師, 謝謝您。
不過看到你剛才的回複, 好像剛看到的希望又破滅了 。
“ 2-year joint residence and legal custody by residing with the child must be completed in China, not in US“
- 真的很難實現。
”The 2-year legal custody and joint residence requirements are waived for certain abused children. So, if you can prove that the child is abused in the original family, you may get two-year joint residence requirement waiver. Then, adopt the child in China following the Chinese Adoption Law and file I-130 petition for the child immigrant visa application to US immediately after the adoption is completed.“
- 感覺很難。 剛問了一位在中國的律師朋友, 雖然他不做移民律師, 但他覺得即使我事實上經濟上撫養這個孩子多年了, 孩子父親忽視, 沒有經濟能力撫養孩子, 但在中國, ”prove that the child is abused in the original family“ 也很難行得通。 這可能都不是中國地方小民政局或者其它地方相關機構能批準的,最後的審批可能由中央一級相關機構去批這種涉外收養程序。而且中國的收養法好像是有14歲之前完成收養的限製。
本來為孩子家的一係列遭遇就已經筋疲力盡了。 一下子又陷入不知道怎麽辦才好的狀態。。。
如果您了解可能還有別的辦法, 請幫忙。
感激, 感恩, 8老師。