而 依然被中國領養政策允許的 "美國公民來華收養三代以內旁係同輩血親的子女和繼子女“ , 我還是在網上找不到如何領養的官方鏈接。
從最近這條 ”中國政府近期調整了跨國收養政策“ 新聞裏, 我理解中國政府仍然給”美國華人公民來華收養三代以內旁係同輩血親的子女和繼子女“特意留的一條縫。 說明比起普通跨國收養, 中國政府方立場是更支持”美國華人公民來華收養三代以內旁係同輩血親的子女和繼子女“, 但為什麽從移民論壇的考古來看, “美國華人公民來華收養三代以內旁係同輩血親的子女和繼子女“ 以前都這麽難呢?這是我非常迷惑的地方。
-Based on the previous Chinese Adoption law, Chinese Americcan and all other foreigners use the same process to adopt the children from China. Based on the recent news, the Chinese Adoption law has been changed to prevent other foreigners from adopting the children from China, but the Chinese foreigners such as Chunese American can still be allowed to adopt their relatives' children within 3 blood generations, and use the same process as the old law.
It seems the new Chinese Adoption Law has been effective though we do not see it published in newspaper or other media officially.
It deserves you to try Hague Adoption process to adopt the child because it is the only way to change the child's future.