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▲美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)提議應該讓警方「超暴力」打擊犯罪。

美國共和黨總統候選人川普(Donald Trump)於29日在賓夕法尼亞州的一場集會上提出了一項引發熱議的犯罪解決方案,被網友譏諷為與恐怖電影係列《國定殺戮日》(The Purge)如出一轍。川普聲稱,隻需「一天的強力行動」和「一小時的超暴力」就能夠終結竊盜犯罪。


針對當地商家頻繁遭遇竊盜,川普進一步提出解決方案,「如果有超暴力的一天,像是讓邁克·凱利(Mike Kelly)這樣的人負責整整一個小時的粗暴執法,我是說真的很粗暴,消息就會傳開,犯罪就會立即結束」。

陰雲密布 發表評論於
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Bhistory 發表評論於
PART 4 of 4

I am coming to defend you, protect you and to avenge you. So get ready for what you are about to see from Me saith the Lord of Hosts.

Alcatraz Island has many secrets that your enemies never wanted to be released. They are about to. A major scandal will rock your leaders in DC.

Al Capone…I will say his name again. He is a key to a door your govt doesn’t want opened but it soon will.

Cambodia will be in your news for a shocking reason.

Harvard will be in your news for a significant reason.

My children I will also show you how your leaders of this nation have paid colleges to brainwash and to manipulate their students in more ways than one. I will show you how they paid foreign nations to join them in the deception for control. A massive money scandal of a college will be exposed and it will open Pandora’s Box of scandals connected to Washington.

Get ready. Things you wouldn’t have thought are about to take place and they will. I will show you scandals in your military with the Pentagon and blood dripping from their hands, that will open a darkness of your govt that you didn’t know existed.

My Eagle you are about to be hit in many ways by your enemies so stand strong, stand firm. You are getting your nation back no matter what it looks like. I am here to deliver you saith the Lord Your Redeemer.
Bhistory 發表評論於

Emails they never wanted anyone to see. Emails of January 6 and its blueprints and designs, who orchestrated it and how many participated in the set-up. The acting, the staging – it will all be released. It was all an act and it was all to take out My David and to destroy this nation and the confidence of the citizens to ever stand up against Washington again.

Dirty dossiers are about to be a nightmare for the ones who created them. Indictments are about to turn on the ones who made the fake one. A political storm is coming that will devour the Establishment.

Hold on My children. A Red October is an understatement. A clash of news reports and truth is coming. Distractions and destruction is not what you would expect. So expect the unexpected. Prepare for anything with My Words. Your enemies are picking up the attacks against you because they know their power is through over you.

A financial scandal, in the likes this nation has never seen will be exposed. I told you to watch the money. It will be the downfall to your enemies.

Blackmail will be unprecedented on how much will be released and the proof of it. The White House has been connected to the indictments, the assassination attempts and every way to interfere with this election and the destruction of My David.

The Secret Service are about to have their doors open wide and their connection with the FBI and the CIA and how every agency was taking orders to accomplish these attacks and to stonewall, to hide and to destroy evidence.

Proof is also coming on how they were all helping Iran and their attempts against My David’s life. Washington is about to fall just like any enemy against My nations or My children.

My children, a greater shaking is coming so stand on My Word. The attacks will look devastating to your nation, but it will be devastating to your enemies instead. So hold on to My promises because My Promises and My covenant I will not break.
Bhistory 發表評論於

Many distractions are coming from keeping the public’s attention off the truth but it will not work because the truth will be magnified even more as they choose which plans to take to try and bring death to this nation. Your enemies are finished when these skeletons are released. It will shock this nation on who truly is a part of this Establishment, trying to bring death to this country. The Establishment’s decision to play the cards of deception will blow up in their face. The more they play that card, the more people will realize what they say is all a lie.

Minority groups will be enraged when the proof is released on how politicians lied, manipulated, and deceived you into voting for them, when they are the ones trying to destroy your life in every way they possibly can. It was their new form of slavery that was so cunning and deceptive where you wouldn’t fight back. An explosive report is coming out of conversations of politicians in Washington and what they truly think of you. Oh yes I’m allowing many conversations to be heard to show the masses the hatred they have for you, the destruction they had planned. The leaders of Washington are about to be exposed in unprecedented ways.

The Biden and his evil ways will be released on who he really is and his lifestyle that has been held back and kept from the public and it soon will not be anymore.
Kamala’s past will come out to haunt her.

Barak Obama has many skeletons, more than you think, will cause the system to implode when it comes out.

Chuck Schumer and what he stands for will bring an outrage to this nation. He was a top leader of a group that suppresses and destroys minorities in this nation and the hatred he has will also be known.

My children I am opening the doors of the backroom deals and letting them be heard. Many politicians are about to wish they never said the things they have said.

Emails, yes emails are coming to prove how corrupt your govt has been.
Bhistory 發表評論於

GM – LIVE WITH JULIE - [30 September 2024]
[Heard – September 28, 2024]

My children your enemy’s ship that has been dominating the world and controlling the economy, the govts and the masses is sinking. Day after day more people and governmental leaders are turning away in hopes of saving themselves from the sinking Titanic of the Establishment and the New World Order. The writing is on the wall of their end and it’s drawing near. Nothing will stop what’s coming for your enemies. They will never see the unprecedented event that will come against them. They have their plans but I have Mine with this time and My plans will crush your enemies in every way moving forward. Their debate disasters was nothing compared to this October surprise that will knock them off their feet. There is more than one and these surprises are unprecedented in nature and how it will be executed. It will destroy more of the Establishment’s power over this nation. Blinders on people’s eyes and the fog of deception will be lifted. More will see Me. More will see your enemies and who they really are. A mass exodus is coming – people leaving the slavery of the globalists and their mind control. My children October will be unprecedented in more ways than one – unconventional and unusual, what your enemies will do against you but will be done against them.

This will not be a normal October of an election year. Your enemies have more plans to interrupt, interfere with this election. They have more plans to try and take My David out, but every step they take and every day that it gets closer to the end of this year, you will see it be clearer, the complete ??? destruction of the Establishment is near. The puppets will collapse in disgrace and skeletons in the closet of many in Washington are soon about to be released.
體製內 發表評論於
Bhistory 發表評論於

Brutal force, clean the country!!!!!!!
nobear 發表評論於
貓二 發表評論於
Longlivetruth 發表評論於
時不時來看看 發表評論於
爬山看秋葉 發表評論於
竊鉤者誅 竊國者侯

JaxAbe 發表評論於
smallCrab 發表評論於
拾麥客 發表評論於
爬山看秋葉 發表評論於

亂我心者 發表評論於
日人民報 發表評論於

zipzoomfly18 發表評論於
芬妖精 發表評論於
LLC 發表評論於
qinking126 發表評論於
小毛er 發表評論於 2024-09-30 03:54:01


如果真的無法忍受就用選票說話。 選出那些允許警察看到小偷可以執法的人。
Indignant 發表評論於
很好, 支持。 什麽是超暴力,街頭遇到小偷小摸,直接開槍, 就地正法。 比中國八十年代初期的嚴打,還刺激。樂觀其成
小毛er 發表評論於
山裏歌行 發表評論於
nyfan 發表評論於
van1 發表評論於
llq中美18 發表評論於
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Idado 發表評論於
lio 發表評論於
