亞洲新聞台報導,Phu Gia Gia是越南峴港知名化妝師,從他的社群平台上可見,他曾替為不少藝人、選美比賽,以及時裝周服務。而Phu Gia Gia的母親也透露,Phu Gia Gia與女凶嫌Sherine Chong相識的過程。原來是一名峴港婦女將Phu Gia Gia介紹給Sherine Chong後,就多次陪同Sherine Chong到香港和泰國去,在旅行期間替Sherine Chong化妝。
Phu Gia Gia的母親也說,Sherine Chong開出的薪酬很高,他每次出行就能獲得5000美元報酬,但Phu Gia Gia曾提及這位客戶“非常難搞”,在聘用他前還先問過香港的風水師,評估他是否適合擔任Sherine Chong的化妝師。據了解,Phu Gia Gia過去一年都在替Sherine Chong工作。
Phu Gia Gia的母親表示,她與丈夫至今都無法接受兒子在泰國去世的事實,稱“Phu Gia Gia從來不喝酒,也不喝茶和咖啡,他旅行的時候都會自己買瓶裝水喝,沒想到現在居然被人下毒在茶水中死去,真的太可怕了。“我的兒子沒有做錯任何事,為什麽要下毒害死他?”
WATCH: The Thai prime minister ordered a probe after six people were found dead at Bangkok's Grand Hyatt Erawan hotel. The three men and three women were all foreign nationals of Vietnamese descent https://t.co/FaG0b2Ahlm pic.twitter.com/kBBGUQXl1R
— Reuters Asia (@ReutersAsia) July 16, 2024
UPDATE: Six dead in Grand Hyatt Erawan hotel in Bangkok.
— Boar News (@PhamDuyHien9) July 17, 2024
Thailand are creating public opinion about the results of the investigation of the case.
Awfully convenient outcome.
That the suspect was Ms. Sherine Chong, 56, who was a US passport holder and had a record of… pic.twitter.com/D2zPy2PRRx