美國中文網報道 內華達州警方稱,周一上午,拉斯維加斯一家律師事務所內發生槍擊事件,造成兩人死亡,槍手據信飲彈自盡。Three people were killed in the shooting, including the suspect, at the Summerlin law office on Monday morning.
— Las Vegas Review-Journal (@reviewjournal) April 8, 2024
Sheriff Kevin McMahill said the two deceased victims were a man and a woman. The suspect was also a male, authorities said.https://t.co/SKc9Umodqs
拉斯維加斯警長麥克馬希爾(Kevin McMahill)在新聞發布會上說,這起事件發生在美西時間上午10點左右,地點在該市西查爾斯頓大道靠近Pavilion Center Drive的一棟六層建築內。
警方尚未公布有關受害者和槍手的更多細節,包括他們的名字和他們之間的關係。但據當地媒體KLAS報道,受害者是拉斯維加斯律師普林斯(Dennis Prince)和他的妻子。槍手也是拉斯維加斯的一名律師。槍擊發生在普林斯的5層辦公室內。
UPDATE: Three people were killed in the shooting, including the suspect, at the Summerlin law office in Las Vegas on Monday morning.
— Breaking News (@TheNewsTrending) April 8, 2024
Sheriff Kevin McMahill said the two deceased victims were a man and a woman. The suspect was also a male, authorities said. https://t.co/hRteRkCAym pic.twitter.com/YuEt51roFj