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第六屆北美華二代陽光少年網上夏令營是由Keetown Writing Coaches Team讚助的活動,旨在為美國華人的子女 (從小學五年級至高中十年級)提供高品質的夏令營學習體驗。該夏令營特別注重學生的閱讀、寫作和公眾演講能力的提高,以及為他們打造良好的學習和社交環境,這個夏令營不接受國際生,專注服務美國華人的華二代。

陽光少年網上夏令營的小老師和學生比例為1:3左右,每個班有6-8個學員左右,每個班配三個經驗豐富的小老師帶領。這些小老師是來自Sunny Youth Club的高中10-12年級的Teen Mentors,是由Sunny Youth自己多年培養出來的,擁有優秀的閱讀寫作和公眾演講能力,可以為學員提供準專業的指導和輔導。另外這個夏令營的內容在四年裏都不會重複。

另外學期中間,Sunny Youth Club提供周末免費的網上讀書討論會,旨在為學員提供更多的學習和交流機會,幫助他們深入了解閱讀、寫作和公眾演講的技巧和方法。這些討論會是免費的,仍然是由Sunny Youth多年來自己的高中生小老師們主持。學員可以在討論會上與小老師們和其他學員互動,分享自己的想法和經驗,同時也能結識更多的朋友,拓展自己的社交圈子。

這個夏令營的讚助商Keetown Academy是一家專業的寫作和演講培訓團隊,由Dr. Aidong Chen於2011年在矽穀創立,是矽穀的第一家也是唯一的一家全線上教學。Keetown Academy本身也不是以贏利為主要目的,因此他們的課程在保證質量最好的基礎上,盡量為大家保證費用也最低。Keetown的寫作和演講教練團隊由來自美國各地的十幾位經驗豐富的英語老師組成,他們擁有美國教師資格證和英語本科學位,並有在美國私立名校Basis教英文的在職老師。想要孩子上正規老師教學的寫作課或演講課的家長,可以去Keetown官網查看更多信息。

如果想讓孩子在這個夏天得到更有意思的閱讀/寫作/演講學習和社交經驗,Sunny Youth陽光少年夏令營絕對是首選!



  • Read, Think, Discuss, Talk and Write
  • Read A Total of 16 World-Wide Well-Known Short Stories
  • A Total of 16 Historical Giants Related News Articles/YouTube Videos
  • Think and Talk about A Total of 16 Quotes
  • Get to Know A Total of 16 Chinese Idioms/Sayings
  • Write A Total of 16 Critical Thinking/Reflection/Personal Essays
  • Practice Reading Comprehension, Critical Thinking and PS Skills

Time:Pacific Time 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm from Monday through Thursday

Dates: Eight Weeks in Total

          Session 1:  6/12-7/13 except the week of July 4th

          Session 2: 7/17-8/10

Location:Online Zoom Room

Fee:$360 for the entire eight weeks (including $30 non-refundable application fee)

Refund Policy:Refund of $330 before June 1st; No refund on and after June 1st

Requirement:Rising 6th graders to 9th graders in fall who are native English speakers or have been in US schools for at least three years.

Application Process:

What makes Sunny Youth Online Summer Camp special?

  • Unique reading/public speaking/writing program developed by Dr. Chen, the founder of Keetown Academy.
  • The beginning four weeks’ contents are the same as the ending four weeks’ so as to allow students to make up for the missing days.
  • Read and group-discuss 16 well-known short stories.
  • Read or watch 16 Historical Giants related news articles/YouTube videos.
  • Give a 1-min speech each day on a famous quote.
  • Get to know 16 Chinese idioms.
  • Write a total of 16 critical thinking/reflection/personal essays.
  • Practice reading comprehension, critical thinking and public speaking skills on each and every camp day during the eight-week summer camp.
  • Led by experienced Sunny Youth High School Teen Mentors.


想要了解更多情況,可以掃下麵任意一個微信群的二維碼,如果滿了可以直接加Dr. Chen,她的微信ID:luveast