隻唱一次的新歌《Houston》 全場無人不動容

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據外媒報道,8月28日,克裏斯·馬丁(Chris Martin)和酷玩樂隊在弗洛裏達邁阿密演出時,現場演唱了向休斯敦颶風遇難者致敬的新歌《休斯敦》,觀眾無不動容落淚。





I am dreaming of when I get back to Houston
I am dreaming of that fair and special place
I am dreaming of when Houston has no problems
In that city where they send you into space

I am dreaming of when I get back to Texas
Corpus Christi, Harris County, Galveston
There's a harmony that harms down there in Houston
Oh, Houston you got to keep on keeping on

From Miami we are sending love to Houston
We are praying that you make it through the rain
I know nothing's gonna break the will of Houston
Oh, and we can't wait to go down there again

I am dreaming of when I get back to Texas
Corpus Christi, Harris County, Galveston
There's a harmony that harms down there in Houston
Oh, Houston you got to keep on keeping on

Take it Jon!
Oh, Houston got to keep on keeping on
Yeah, Houston got to keep on keeping on