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FOX電視台剛剛公布了今年秋季各劇集的首播時間,其中擁有廣泛觀眾的《越獄》(Prison Break)將在美國時間9月17日晚8點開始第三季的首播。這也說明此前網上流傳的《越獄》8月29日開播第三季的消息並不準確。 Prison Break Season 3 全球首發預告片:(在線)



Betty Crocker:40來歲,某政府機構的“雇傭兵”。


Sofia:美女, Whistler的女友。

Robert Wisdom扮演Sona監獄裏的老大 Lechero

750) this.width=750' src=http://i15.tinypic.com/530egip.jpg>

Jodi Lyn O'Keefe扮演的是Betty Crocker, Linc大哥在第三季裏的“女友”

750) this.width=750' src=http://i19.tinypic.com/536oo55.jpg>

Chris Vance扮演神秘漁夫Whistler

750) this.width=750' src=http://i13.tinypic.com/4v51pmr.jpg>

Danay Garcia扮演Sofia

750) this.width=750' src=http://i18.tinypic.com/4zn7l2p.jpg>

During tonight’s finale of So You Think You Can Dance, a new promo for season 3 of Prison Break aired.

The FBI Agent. The Prison Guard. The Murderer. The Mastermind. The only way for them to survive… is to trust each other.

Prison Break episiode “Orientacíon” airs on Monday, Sept. 17.

“Same old Pretty, just not good at making friends, are ya?”