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辯論主辦方MIT Free Speech Alliance@mitfreespeech(MFSA,麻省理工言論自由聯盟)是個中立的組織,致力於校園,尤其是MIT的言論自由、學術自由,思想多元。主張用文明的辯論等手段而不是激進革命來改變大學校園思維僵化,一個意識形態掛帥這類日益嚴重的問題。筆者是MFSA的國際問題委員會head,我的一些讀者也通過我多次對MFSA的介紹加入了該組織。


歡迎MIT的學生及員工注冊,如果暫不想成為會員,可以先注冊他們的email list,並選擇匿名。





Aaron Kimberly有著感人的故事,他在加拿大一個小農業社區長大。

Holly Lawford-Smith來自新西蘭,在澳大利亞當教授,為大家帶來一個充滿新西蘭特色的觀點,解釋這些爭議在她所在的半球是如何發展的。

Alex Byrne是麻省理工學院的哲學教授,他剛剛出版了一本名為《性別問題:性事實,性別虛構》的書。

Alice Dreger在跨性研究方麵的工作包括寫了三本書和做過一次TEDx演講,觀看次數超過一百萬人次。

Nadine Strossen是大家熟悉的前ACLU主席,她在MFSA最近的兩場辯論中擔任了出色的主持工作。

Dear MFSA members and friends,

The MIT Free Speech Alliance (MFSA), the Sloan School Chapter of the Adam Smith Society, and the MIT Students for Open Inquiry are hosting a debate on the proposition “[t]hat sex is biological and binary and gender identity is no substitute for sex in social policy,” at MIT's Wong Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow, April 17. The event will also be livestreamed, and later posted at MFSA’s YouTube page. For watching the livestream, no registration is needed. Full details are available at this link.

You may want to consider organizing a “watch party”, since it’s most fun to watch a debate with other people. Here’s how: 

  1. Figure out how to get your TV or a friend’s to show YouTube (many of today’s smart TVs have the functionality built right in). Or, if your computer has a giant MIT-alum-style monitor, you can use that. 
  2. Invite a friend, or a dozen friends, to join you. In doing this, you may consider inviting someone with a wall-sized TV or projector and then suggesting that they host the event at their place. 
  3. Buy lots of potato chips, beer, bourbon, and soft drinks in various permutations of caffeinated, diet, and fizzy. 
  4. Watch the show Wednesday night!

If you’re short on friends to watch with, let us know and we’ll send you the emails of some MFSA members in your locale whom you can invite. Feel free to contact me at erasmuse61@gmail.com

As usual for MFSA, this will be a real debate. Both sides have top-notch people–no ringers here. All four debaters and the moderator are eminently googleable. Aaron Kimberly has a fascinating story from his upbringing in a small Canadian farming community. Holly Lawford-Smith is from New Zealand and teaches in Australia, bringing a kiwi-inflected perspective on how these controversies have played out in her hemisphere. Alex Byrne is an MIT Philosophy professor who has just written a book titled Trouble with Gender: Sex Facts, Gender Fictions. Alice Dreger's work on intersex studies includes three books plus a TEDx talk viewed over a million times. Nadine Strossen you will know from her superb moderation of MFSA’s last two debates. 

We hope you’ll join us and bring some friends along for the ride. 


Eric Rasmusen, Ph.D. ‘84
MFSA Director and Chair, MFSA Communications Committee

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閱讀 ()評論 (6)
Randy Ann 回複 悄悄話 那是你不知道。我同學在中國,許多試管嬰兒在為同性戀群體服務
老天真 回複 悄悄話 Randy Ann 發表評論於 2024-04-18 09:02:24
北美平民2015 回複 悄悄話
美國高校都在熱衷gender 的話題。
Randy Ann 回複 悄悄話 那也輪不到你這老糊塗評頭論足,別忘了是國際討論會。
老天真 回複 悄悄話 美國的科學真是越來越“發達”了。“是男是女”這個自從有人類以來,就顯而易見的問題,被榜首大學提高到更“深”的層次,認真加以討論研究了。估計至少可以因此,培養出十幾個MIT的博士吧。
Randy Ann 回複 悄悄話 Lily Tan Williams 對於今天的美國,極左派用種族分裂國家,與中國的階級鬥爭相比,非常準確尖銳。

MIT 組織的這場哲學家,性學家們的國際討論會,“什麽是女人”,的確是令人啼笑皆非,但是又大家都需要認真參與。因為Biden 政府的許多重要官員都不知道什麽是女人,這個危害太大了。軍隊沒有戰鬥力,毀了許多兒童,年輕人,尤其是gener affirming procedures, etc