

第五天 建造永生的未來

(2021-04-16 06:34:49) 下一個

第五天 建造永生的未來



主啊,我把×××帶到你麵前,求你幫助他成長,能更深刻地認識真正的你。打開他的心,帶領他真知道你一切的真理。你說過:"你若口裏認耶穌為主,心裏信神叫他從死裏複活,就必得救。"(羅 10:9)我禱告求你使我的孩子有那種信心,願他稱你為他的救主,被你的聖靈充滿,使他的生命能完全地承認你,永遠選擇跟從你及你的道路。幫助他完全相信耶穌為他舍命,使他現在就擁有豐盛及永恒的生命,幫助他理解你赦罪之恩的完全,使他不活在愧疚與譴責中。



Lord, I bring ××× before You and ask that You would help him grow into a deep understanding of who You are. Open his heart and bring him to a full knowledge of the truth about You. Lord, you have said in Your Word, "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead,  you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). I pray for that kind of faith for my child. May he call You his Savior, be filled with Your Holy Spirit, acknowledge you in every area of his life, and choose always to follow you and Your ways. Help him to fully believe that Jesus laid down His life for him so that he might have life eternally and abundantly now. Help him to comprehend the fullness of Your forgiveness so that he will not live in guilt and condemnation.

I pray that he will live a fruitful life, ever increasing in the knowledge of You. May he always know Your will, have spiritual understanding, and walk in a manner that is pleasing in Your sight. You have said in Your Word that You will pour out Your Spirit on my offspring (Isaiah 44:3). I pray that You would pour out Your Sprit upon ××× this day.

Thank You, Lord, that You care about his eternal future even more than I do and that is secure in You. In Jesus' name I pray that he will not doubt or stray from the path You have for him all the days of his life.



主啊,我把×××帶到你麵前,求你幫助她成長,能更深刻地認識真正的你。打開她的心,帶領她真知道你一切的真理。你說過:"你若口裏認耶穌為主,心裏信神叫他從死裏複活,就必得救。"(羅 10:9)我禱告求你使我的孩子有那種信心,願她稱你為她的救主,被你的聖靈充滿,使她的生命能完全地承認你,永遠選擇跟從你及你的道路。幫助她完全相信耶穌為她舍命,使她現在就擁有豐盛及永恒的生命,幫助她理解你赦罪之恩的完全,使她不活在愧疚與譴責中。



Lord, I bring ××× before You and ask that You would help her grow into a deep understanding of who You are. Open her heart and bring her to a full knowledge of the truth about You. Lord, you have said in Your Word, "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead,  you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). I pray for that kind of faith for my child. May she call You her Savior, be filled with Your Holy Spirit, acknowledge you in every area of her life, and choose always to follow you and Your ways. Help her to fully believe that Jesus laid down His life for her so that she might have life eternally and abundantly now. Help her to comprehend the fullness of Your forgiveness so that she will not live in guilt and condemnation.

I pray that she will live a fruitful life, ever increasing in the knowledge of You. May she always know Your will, have spiritual understanding, and walk in a manner that is pleasing in Your sight. You have said in Your Word that You will pour out Your Spirit on my offspring (Isaiah 44:3). I pray that You would pour out Your Sprit upon ××× this day.

Thank You, Lord, that You care about her eternal future even more than I do and that is secure in You. In Jesus' name I pray that she will not doubt or stray from the path You have for her all the days of her life.


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