

第一天 成為禱告的父母

(2021-04-12 04:49:26) 下一個

第一天 成為禱告的父母


主啊,我要完全順服你。我知道照你心意養育孩子是一件我本能所不及的事,我知道我需要你幫助我。我要與你同工,並親自蒙受你的恩賜:即智慧、洞察力、啟示與引導。我也需要你的力量、忍耐及你豐盛的慈愛湧流貫穿我,教導我如何以你愛的方式去愛人。在我需要醫治、拯救、改變、成長、補足之處,我懇求你在我的裏麵動工。幫助我能公義、正直地活在你麵前。將你的法則指教我,使我能順服你的誡命,行你眼中所喜悅的事情。願你聖靈的榮美能清楚顯明在我裏麵,使我成為一個敬虔的榜樣。賜我必備的技巧知道如何溝通、教導、並撫育孩子,使我能成為合你心意的父母。教導我如何禱告,並真正為這孩子的生命代求。主啊,你在聖經中說:"你們禱告,無論求什麽,隻要信,就必得著。"(太 21:22)我奉耶穌的名祈求你增添我的信心,使我相信你在我心中所放入的一切代禱事項,都與這個孩子有密切的關係。

Lord, I submit myself to you. I realize the parenting a child in the way You would have me to is beyond my human abilities. I know I need You to help me. I want to partner with You and partake of Your gifts of wisdom, discernment, revelation, and guidance. I also need Your strength and patience, along with a generous portion of Your love flowing through me. Teach me how to love the way You love. Where I need to be healed, delivered, changed, matured, or made whole, I invite You to do that in me. Help me to walk in righteousness and integrity before You. Teach me Your ways, enable me to obey Your commandments and do only what is pleasing in Your sight. May the beauty of Your Spirit be so evident in me that I will be godly role model. Give me the communication, teaching, and nurturing skills that I must have. Make me the parent You want me to be and teach me how to pray and truly intercede for the life of this child. Lord, You said in Your Word, "Whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive" (Matthew 21:22). In Jesus' name I ask that you will increase my faith to believe for all the things You've put on my heart to pray for concerning this child. 


節選自“如何為你的孩子禱告" 一書第一章

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