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這才是真正讓你遠離最佳大腦的原因 (This Is What Is Really Holding You Back From Your Best Brain | Jim Kwik)
1. 我希望能夠跟上所有重要的腫瘤學文獻(NEJM、ASCO),成為一本行走的百科全書。
2. 我想成為我的患者的行走電子病曆,記住我的患者、他們名字,他們的故事、他們的數據,並輕鬆地與他們和他們的家人合作。
3. 我想成為一個與我的經曆、我去過的地方、我接觸過的人相關的人。
2. 使用手指追蹤器,30 行(300 字)/分鍾
Have the right mind set, get your to be list:
1. I want to be able to keep up with all the important oncology literature (NEJM, ASCO), be a walking encyclopedia.
2. I want to be a walking EMR for my patients, remember my patients, their story, their data and work with them at ease.
3. I want to be a person connected with the experience I have, the places I have been, the people I have interacted with.
My reading speed:
1. Before using tracer, 24 lines (240 words)/min
2. Using finger tracer, 30 lines (300 words)/min
Do I want to read a book every week? I am not sure, because I do not know how to use that much of information and put them into my day to day practice.
So I will focus on expanding my professional reading first. That's a place I will see a difference quickly. I may try to read leisure material in the speed read fashion, such as my yoga text book. Speed reading does not mean less retention. This will translate to faster and more decision making.